(no subject)

Nov 25, 2004 01:04

You, so far away, you
I reached out last night and felt nothing
I cried out your name and sat in silence
Why does this always happen

I cherished you, I tried
Is this just life?
Maybe no one is ever meant to stay
but as independent as I am
I need you here with me

I watch the sunset over the ocean
surrounded by beauty, by life
and all I can think is of you
What is beauty with out you?
what is life with out you?

you, so far away, you
please tell me this pain will end
days turn into weeks, weeks turn into years
and still all i want is to see you here

Just turn the light out, I want to sleep through the pain
put my life in neutral, I dont want to feel
I'll just hope for one day
that day that you'll come back to me
or the day that I'll let you go.

ok guYz.... for some strange reason people ::cough cough margot:: think my poems are about her. not really. i jus write w/e comes to mind if it it jus happens to relate to the situtation, then it does. not purposely! if my poems were about a specific person then i would include their name in it! jeese, hope this clears things up.
loVe me,
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