Mar 22, 2005 15:54
I got it! phew, I'm so relieved! If I had to sit and worry about finding an apartment on my anniversary weekend, I would be one crabby cookie! But now I can take this short time to relax and be happy:) Because as soon as we get home, it's time to start packing. Actually, my poor overworked brain switched gears the minute I heard him say I was approved, and have already started making lists of what I can pack. Will I ever get to chill? doubt it.
But in a month and a half I will be living in a place I only dreamt I could ever have. It's so funny, because people were always telling me that I've got to give and take when it comes to looking for a place to live. Everyone told me I wouldn't find everything I'm looking for, so I'd have to compromise. Ha! I found everything I wanted...and more! lol. All my friends are geeked, and we're already making plans to party at my new crib:) I actually can't wait for next winter because I can go in my indoor hot tup on snow days:)
My Barkley is looking a lot better. He's eating and pooping like normal, and he even looks a little fatter. We had him out yesterday and he was his usual bubbly self. He felt cold to me, and I'm sick, so I put him under Timmy's shirt to warm up. When I checked on him, he was curled up with his little legs underneath him, his eyes were closed and his head was down. awwwwwww! Baby just wanted to cuddle with Daddy! LOL. I love that frog:)