Sep 23, 2006 00:16
Well, I haven’t updated this for a while so perhaps I should.
Since my last update I’ve had a couple of absolutely awesome Maelstrom events (for me at least) since my last update, basically a bit more of the same, with Varas becoming a famous figure and “The Book of Varas” making it’s rounds through the system.
Aside from that the summer has gone by at a very slow and leisurely pace, lots of idleness, yet enough activity not to get frustrated and bored. Had a lot of fun running my Dark Ages Inquisitor game, and now my dissertation is out of the way I can get on with restarting it again (once Theresa is back from modelling military gear in Eastern Europe…)
My laziness relating to my MA Dissertation fortunately ablated enough for me to get off my arse and get it properly done, handing in today.
Almost 12000 words on the question
“Can the static and dynamic models of time account for the possibility of time travel?”
As a bit of a change from plan I ended up focusing on far fewer theories than I originally planned (Lewis, Horwich and Bigelow, to anyone who cares), but fewer theories means more detail and hopefully more marks.
I’m really quite pleased with it, hense I'm rather confident I do have an MA in philosophy.
Alas my days as a student have finally come to a close and I now have the joy of the real world ™
Alas after 3 ½ years of very loyal service my laptop is now starting to show signs of age, I have started to be hit by blue screens of death, which is rather irritating, I think it’s either a problem with my ram or perhaps my powersupply (possibly caused by a totally dead battery)
Anyway, I was up burning the midnight, then daylight oil, so I’m somewhat sleepy.