Since everyone else seems to be focusing on saying stuff they can't say, I'll be alternative and start thinking about my purpose in life, or rather, my lack of it..
Purpose in life is what you make it. Personally I think it's best if purposes aim towards happiness, happiness is where I think value rests. Ultimately we should all try to find the things which make us happy, and do them, this seems to be the only way to be happy with what we've got. And that seems to be exactly where you are, which I think is wonderful, and not something to be regretted. Just because other people have set purposes for themselves that seem more ambiscious does not mean that you should feel any pressure to emulate them. I am envious of your contentment with the now. That's what I'm aiming for, if I believed in heaven, that's what my idea of heaven would be. As I don't believe in heaven I see no reason not to make that sort of contentment one's goal on Earth. If that's what we want, and it's not going to be handed on a plate to us later, then we bloody well should be aiming for it now, and nobody should make you feel like you shoudl be doing something else if that's what you've managed to achieve because it doesn't seem 'active' enough for them in some way.
Like you I have found reconciliation with my lack of faith emmensely reasuring and fulfilling. I have no doubt about death anymore, I'm going to die, and then I'll stop, and there'll be no more me. there's something about accepting that that opens up the wonder of the world. Similarly with the recognition that all purposes I have are those I elect to take for myself - it's empowering and reassuring. Value is where you place it. If what you value is the things you have now then you should feel no pressure to want anything else.
Like you I have found reconciliation with my lack of faith emmensely reasuring and fulfilling. I have no doubt about death anymore, I'm going to die, and then I'll stop, and there'll be no more me. there's something about accepting that that opens up the wonder of the world. Similarly with the recognition that all purposes I have are those I elect to take for myself - it's empowering and reassuring. Value is where you place it. If what you value is the things you have now then you should feel no pressure to want anything else.
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