Due South Fan Vid- Fraser/Rayk Slash

May 03, 2007 07:28

Title: When You're Gone...
Artist: Avril Lavigne
Fandom:Due South
Summary: This vid basically speaks to the difficulty both Fraser and Ray have in admitting how much they both really love and need one another. Because even when they are together there is still this emotional distance that is keeping them from really allowing themselves to love each other freely without all their baggage getting in the way. It's chock-a-block with slashy love and total shippy lobsterness!
Pairing/Character: Fraser/RayK
Rating: E-for everyone because sadly the "porniest" this gets is buddy-breathing, folks...sigh...
Format: wmv
Size: Large:30 MB Small:14.7 MB
SPOILER WARNING:-This video contains footage from all of Season 3 up to Call of the Wild

30 MB(480x360) :http://www.originalgrissel.com/videos/whenyouregone14.wmv
14.7 MB (320x240):http://www.originalgrissel.com/videos/whenyouregone14small.wmv

This is the first Due South vid I've done as well as the first slash pairing vidded, but I think it came out well. It makes me smile!
Feedback is always appreciated!

fanvids, due south, vids, paul gross, fraser/rayk, ds, callum

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