Jun 16, 2004 03:12
shigga digga.
Today i woke up in the most horrible depressed mood I've been in in a loooong time. I don't know what I was dreaming about before...but damn. I just wanted to curl up in my bed and be held :(
Anyway...I had to be @ work @ 7 so I quickly got ready and drudged out the door. I was expecting to work with Jess, and hoped that she would cheer me up, but nope. Her knee popped, so she was out today. In her place was our FUCKING 2nd assistant. I blew up at him...te he he. He was talking about an argument he had with another clerk over who was the best clerk...and of course he (the assistant) had replied himself. *rolls eyes* I told him that they were both dumb asses for having an argument, and that he didn't even make a good assistant manager, much less a clerk. Then I pointed out everything he did wrong as a manager and left him speechless at the register...that brought me a bit of satisfaction. Then the clerk, James came in. That made me feel a bit better. Finally I left.
When I got home a kid I hadn't hung out with in awhile IMed me and wanted to hang out, sho I agreed. He's one of those cool types that thinks they know the world and really don't. *shrug* Anyway we saw that movie with Vin Diesel in it. It was fun to hear Richard make a noise everytime Vin was tied up. (Richard's all about bondage o.O) We ate at Long John Silvers, which actually sounded appealing. Then we went by QT and got some shit after the movie and talked in the parking lot of Ole foods in Plano...ONLY THE HIGHEST CLASS AREA IN TOWN.
Now I'm chillin sittin here on my ass, as usual. Feelin better, ready to head to bed so the day can end and I can wake up @ 11am and get ready for work. Dario didn't respond to the one text I sent him...hmmm. umkay
Wellp...i think I'm goin to go to bed.