Sit & Spin, May 2007

May 27, 2007 16:59

Gracious hostess Turtlegirl76, and kittehs Ripple and Calvin welcomed Tvini and me into their home for some sit-n-spin time. We were out on the patio because my allergies have not had a good history with most cats in general, and it was also a lovely day and the weather permitted.

We had a good time spinning and chatting and generally enjoying a lovely Sunday. I also got the opportunity to scope out Turtlegirl76's newly redecorated yarn room with added storage. It's a rockin' party joint, I tell ya.

Spin pr0n!
This was what Turtlegirl76 had on her bobbin:

Gratuitous wheel/bobbin shot:

Ripple begging to join us:

This is what we think a Calvin cross-stitch /needlepoint / latchhook template would look like.

sit-n-spin, spinning, turtlegirl76, yarn, tvini

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