To the rescue!!

May 23, 2007 09:45

The transportation park-n-ride where I pick up the bus heading uptown has a facility for the bus employees.. it's accessible by keycard only so that the riffraff can't get in there. It's a security measure and one which is very understandable if you realize that the area is rarely populated throughout the day and you certainly don't want vagrants camping out, or vandals messing up the place.

Today, I boarded the last bus for the day out of that PnR. The driver had a few minutes before departure and stepped out to use the facilities. He was there a while.. A few minutes past departure time and he still wasn't back yet. Well that was maybe understandable. We've all been there before. But 7 minutes past, and it was getting perhaps a tad odd. Some gripes were heard, but all I was thinking was Hmm.. hope there isn't a CSI moment going on.

So, not quite certain what I'd find - a driver toking up / collapsed from a heart attack / blood and gore / a heated argument with his spouse or girlfriend, I asked a fellow passenger if he wouldn't mind helping me check on the driver. We got out, headed to the building and started knocking on the doors (there are two). Lo and behold, the poor guy was locked in. The handle had malfunctioned and he couldn't get out. He ended up slipping his keycard under the door for us to swipe on the outside to unlock it. He was very relieved to see us :)

Luckily too for him, he had his cellphone with him. While locked inside, he had called his supervisor to ask for rescue, but was more than happy to be able to call to cancel the request. I guess he called in to have repairs done on that door too, so that nobody else would be unwittingly trapped!

Whew! No 911 needed!
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