OOC: notes for Morgan-mun

Jun 25, 2006 16:20

Hi! Okay so, in the interests of minimizing confusion, here's a quick rundown of the stuff that passes for Arthurian DF!canon.

Morgause = mother of Mordred, Gawain, Agravaine, Gaheris, Gareth, and Clarissant, in that order; has pretty dysfunctional relationships with all of them. Clar is also with the magic and more than slightly mad.

The boys have varying degrees of memory block, partly because we started out with an amazing mishmash of different primary sources. XD Gawain is drawn largely from "Gawain and the Green Knight" and, yes, remembers that episode vividly; has also recently recalled his wife, but very little beyond that. Mordred was in much the same case -- young!innocent!onlyslightlybitter!Mordred, with a lot less reserve and a lot more modern affectations -- until a few weeks ago, when this happened, since when he's lost his DF!memory. We're hoping to fix that; maybe Morgan can help, in the possibly mistaken notion that it will further her ends? :D

Gawain, Mordred, Clar, and Gaheris are currently living in a small house of their own away from the mansion, along with Mordred's boyfriend and several hedgehogs.

We've also decided the baby-massacre is an urban legend, because God knows there's enough angst in that situation already. XD

This is mostly so you know how things stand at the moment; don't feel like you're totally bound by it or shouldn't blithely bring in your own details or whatever. :D

df, ooc

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