Conversation at 2005-09-10 23:25:45 on NorthSeaFlotsam
(23:28:06) Mordred: Well, honestly.
(23:28:15) Gawain: *blinks* Rosier?
(23:28:59) Mordred: I don't know. He pisses me off.
(23:29:09) Gawain: *nods*
(23:29:33) Mordred: It's not like I have any use for St. Just. I hate whiners. I just hate whiners with no excuse even more.
(23:30:42) Gawain: Well, yes. I don't know why people let him get away with it.
(23:30:47) Gawain: It doesn't make sense.
(23:31:07) Mordred: I don't either. I suppose they're scared of his Dreadful Curses.
(23:31:46) Gawain: ...Mother's are worse.
(23:31:51) Mordred: Which would not be an issue if somebody would just keep him dead. Problem solved. No damn loss.
(23:31:59) Mordred: Except to Dolohov, who's even more of a nit.
(23:32:02) Gawain: *nodnods!*
(23:32:17) Gawain: ...He is. Sappy love struck evil is worse than the usual sort.
(23:32:25) Mordred: *snorts!*
(23:32:27) Mordred: God, yes.
(23:33:36) Mordred: Evil that hasn't the gonads to take its comeuppance, furthermore--
(23:33:44) Mordred: Ngh. Never mind. You know.
(23:34:08) Gawain: *nods* *is actually not entirely sure he does, but*
(23:34:29) Gawain: ...I think there are a lot of people about these days who don't want to face responsiblity.
(23:34:37) Mordred: Looks like, doesn't it?
(23:35:03) Gawain: Yes. I have no sympathy at all.
(23:35:41) Mordred: No.
(23:36:01) Gawain: He even had a choice.
(23:36:21) Mordred: Hmm?
(23:36:42) Gawain: About being in charge.
(23:37:02) Gawain: *thinks it is perfectly obvious what he's talking about, since has been thinking about it - and fuming - for days*
(23:37:08) Mordred: Ah.
(23:38:07) Gawain: *kicks angrily at rocks* If they look to you, you have to take care of them.
(23:38:18) Gawain: And it is your fault if they die or are hurt or lose homes.
(23:39:27) Mordred: *grins crookedly* I have some sympathy for malice. Negligence not so.
(23:39:51) Gawain: *nods frustratedly*
(23:40:10) Gawain: ...Do you remember that storm the year after Father died?
(23:40:19) Mordred: *nod*
(23:40:37) Gawain: It reminds me of that.
(23:40:38) Gawain: Though it's worse.
(23:40:49) Gawain: I wish I'd known what I was doing.
(23:41:03) Mordred: You did a damn sight better than this.
(23:41:46) Gawain: I was trying.
(23:41:56) Gawain: He wasn't trying.
(23:41:57) Mordred: That would be the main difference, yes.
(23:42:03) Gawain: *nodnodnod*
(23:42:46) Mordred: *ruffles lightly*
(23:42:53) Mordred: God save us when the good ones don't think they're good enough.
(23:43:03) Gawain: *laughs*
(23:43:10) Gawain: *scuffs feet and beams*
(23:44:19) Mordred: Then again, that may be how we can tell them.
(23:44:32) Gawain: *flaily!*
(23:44:53) Mordred: Given that the truly abysmally inept seem to think they do just fine.
(23:45:20) Gawain: Because one's vacations shouldn't end when the world is falling apart.
(23:45:28) Gawain: *bitterbitterBITTER*
(23:45:54) Mordred: *quirks an eyebrow*
(23:45:58) Mordred: Dare one say "kids these days"?
(23:46:09) Gawain: Yes.
(23:46:14) Gawain: *frownfrown*
(23:46:18) Gawain: Can you imagine?
(23:46:34) Gawain: If any one of the minor kings had tried something like that, they'd have ended up dead.
(23:46:50) Gawain: And soon.
(23:47:09) Mordred: *half-grins*
(23:47:17) Mordred: The direct approach.
(23:47:29) Mordred: I hear they're too civilized for that nowadays.
(23:47:30) Mordred: Pity.
(23:47:53) Gawain: *nods* Damn shame.
(23:48:15) Gawain: *flails* At LEAST throw him out!
(23:48:34) Gawain: What is everyone waiting for? He's dangerous! You can't have leaders who won't lead!
(23:48:39) Gawain: *fretfretfret*
(23:49:02) Mordred: *dryly* Sweet land of liberty.
(23:49:52) Gawain: *fret!*
(23:50:31) Mordred: If it's any comfort, I'd vote for you. :)
(23:50:56) Mordred: If we were alive. And citizens. And provably factual. You know.
(23:51:02) Gawain: *winces* I don't want to run a country this big!
(23:51:14) Mordred: That's because you're not only competent, you're smart.
(23:51:21) Gawain: All the things that could go WRONG! *flails*
(23:51:26) Gawain: ...Thanks.
(23:51:47) Mordred: Whoever thought it was a good idea to try to unify an entire fucking continent--
(23:52:07) Gawain: I don't think anyone planned on that. It seems to have just sort of happened.
(23:52:13) Mordred: ...should look at Britain, hell.
(23:52:16) Mordred: I suppose so.
(23:52:26) Mordred: Silly damn world they've made of it.
(23:53:05) Gawain: I think it was always silly. Just smaller bits of silly. *sighs*
(23:55:12) Mordred: ...*pats*
(23:55:35) Gawain: *sighs again and relaxes*