Mar 08, 2007 15:31
Well yesterday was a bad day. It just all around sucked, so naturally I came to school really pissed off. And wouldn't you know I saw that Whip Lady when I entered into one of the 'dungeons'. Wouldn't you know she begged me me to help her out since she was useless getting herself out and now owes me one hundred and thirty five dollars! SO I used my grip and bent the huge metal rods and she got out, thanked me and still has to pay me and won't be giving me detention for a week. >D She got lucky!
What I really should be doing is getting to class, but I just had to type this.
It has come to my ever-perceptive attention that this entire school is going insane. At first I thought it was my ever-elusive imagination playing with me, but now I see that that was a false assumption.
One teacher here has a habit of turning into some demon cat thing. Not so sure of why, but I have been kicking around the idea that Nall has multiple ever-repressed sexual desires. Somehow they materialized into one evil, albeit fuzzy critter. I have suggusted both the torture, spiritual removal and shaving techniques, but with no avail. Perhaps this ever-threatening cat form has already curled around his brain. Who knows.
And Yuuko. What frightens me the most is the ever-present pipe she smokes. I, and others, have found it in places it really shouldn't be. Lina has reported the same. My point remains, Yuuko is out to get us. In addition, She likes gay guys. That, as a guy myself, is hard to trust.
Tomo is trickier to diagnose because of her ever-lasting idiocy. But she as well experiences bouts of out-of-character intelligence, immortality. I, for once, have no idea what this could mean. Mid-life crisis? Muscles too big? Hyper-tension? Another demon? I'm not sure I want to find out.
Oh, and the monsters around this place are pretty easy. My undefeated streak is only increasing quickly thanks to this place! The triple digits are getting higher like my ego!
Utena, Nuriko, you young ladies, you're fine, but it is safe to say we are all doomed.