
Oct 18, 2004 18:17

welL heLLo aqaiin` mii buDdiiez . weLL diiZz iiZz wat happeneDd 2dayy .

[ mOrniinq ];
ii just chiilleDd waiited . den chriis came . he haDd hiis new mp3 player . ii was liisteniin` 2 da sonqz nDd` den doras bus ppl came . den ii waz wiit fufu nDd` tiiny . then anabell . then kiisseL was suppouse 2 qo 2 da bench but he diidnt . soo we had 2 qo all da wayy to da courts . so we went . then w/e . he had 2 clean hiis shoes . he took hiis niice sweet tiime . then he diidnt wanna qo wit us to da snack bar but we qot his bookbaq and made hiim . then when we was almost at the door way ashley comes . then w/e she felt lyk shit . then ashley anabell and mii were talking and den kissel was all quite so we would be like hello talk . then w/e we qot der qot wat we wanted and left . then he was complainin bout dat if dat was all we came for . we said yea . and den w/e we got back 2 skool . then kissel left to da court . then ashley wanted to find out wat a 2 was . then she asked marlon and ii dont know who else . then ppl started comin . then we went to da cafetiiria to do virqie a favor . then we saw da favor . (( ha man )) hiis haiir dont look bad . iits just he has biiqq ears so da haiir cut makes dem look biiqqer and dats botu iit .

[5th periiod ];
lissauer wasnt der so nate had to take care of us . he was there for like 30 miins . so ii went to walk around wit alyin. then w/e we were just der . and da sub stiill aiint come . then like fiinally she came . robiinson was there . for like 30 miinz den we he left ii went 2 walk around wiit mariin . then we saw qerman and jack w/e . den qerman walked us 2 class . den wen we turned da cornor like 10 sec. later u see robinson turn . den w/e we went 2 class and he was tellin qerman suttin . den he went into da class and he told da sub. dat noo moo "bathroom" . soo w/e . den he qoez who was iit da ones dat just went . and he pointed at mii and mariin . den he saiiDd dat sOme hOw we met up wiit out boyfriiend w/e . den mariin saiid he nOt mii bOyfriienDd . den he diidnt sayy nada . den w/e dey was talkiinq bout russia cuz da sub. iiz 4rm der . and blah blah .

[ Taa ];
umm tol viirqiie bOut juan . but she had alreadii seen hiim . wat a killer . we tol ha he dont look bad just hiis ears . whiich iis tru . den w/e we read da stupid noveL (( and den der were nOne )) damn no affence 4 dOz whO liike iit . but da shiit is soo damn boriin . qOd . weLL anywayz . den w/e we just talked .

[ 3rd periiod ];
well iit was str8 . we diid notes . then ppl was talkiin and botheriin . liike always . den w/e da tiime was qoin very slow . soo den wen iit was fiinally was tiime 4 lunch iit was like damn fiinally .

[ lunch ];
we were just der iin da line chiillin talkiin beqiin iidiiots . den he came and told mii and anabell hii . and like always he hiits mii . qod and he dont hiit soft he hits u hard .den he left . den w/e . we were just der . den we qot our lunch . liike always we were da last 1z . den w/e iit waz mii anabell anqiie, alyiin nDd` juLiian . w.e den ppl started commin . he came . he was just stariin at mii eat ii was lyk umm okayy . den juan ( viirqiiez man ) came wiit jesus, jose j. and ii thiink da other jose . w/e den we were der . den juan started acting lyk a iidiiot . den he waZz siinqii`n da m&m sOnq . den hiis favoriite part iis tOuCch mii bOdy . dOo he would liick da tip of hiis finqer and run iir down hiis body . u have 2 see hiim do iit . cuz of hiis faciiaL expression . weLL w/e now like everytiime ii see hiim ii do iit . well . den we went bac 2 class.

[ whiiLe qoing back 2 class ];
anqie qave mii a piqqy back riide and alyin qave 1 2 juliian .

[ back iin class ];
we just diid some classwork and fooled around . diid pretty much nada . but iit was str8.

[ 1st period ];
OMG how boring . torras better not miss aqaiin . cus i swear witout hiim iits like hell . well we had 2 read some story whiich ii diidnt read . then she qave us da answers so i just qot dem wen she qave us it . and ii took a nap . and dat bout it .
den da bell ranq and went home .
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