on motherhood...

Oct 25, 2008 16:24

wow. what time is it? where am i? and is she content? are the first three questions when i wake up. at any time that i manage to sleep. it usually comes in bursts: 2 hours here, an hour there, 4 hours there (WOAH). my husband is absolutely amazing and completely in love with our daughter. Being a mom is different and draining - an absolute rollercoaster. but it's getting easier. i know her cries now.

Breastfeeding is probably the hardest thing i've ever done before. My milk hasn't completely come in yet and isn't enough to satisfy her. i had to come to terms to give her formula to supplement. I've never felt so guilty and so helpless. I'm still keeping her at the breast and pumping to keep my milk flowing (i went from almost nothing in 15 minutes from both breasts last night to half an ounce in 15 minutes from one breast today). I feed her for the first 15 minutes with whatever she can get from the breast (it's amazing how quickly she learned how to latch on and swallow so quickly) and then supplement with formula until she's satisfied. it's getting easier though. both physically and emotionally. The lactation consultant really helped me become more confident. now it's just a matter of telling myself that i'd rather see her full and happy then starve her because i wanted to breastfeed her. it's all for her. *sigh* it's already hard being a mother. and it's only been three days.

anyway, pictures on facebook:


It's an open album. enjoy. =)
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