May 20, 2004 20:31
I GOT MY PERMIT!!!! finally. so now i just need to take driver's ed, and i can get my license on november 20th, but something tells me that won't happen because that is a very possible musical date. we'll seee...
haven't done much math. holy CRAP i'm screwed.
Spring shows were awesome!!! I had so much fun, and people LAUGHED at me and so many people since then have been like "woah, you were so funny!" That was so fun. Woooot Nikolai and Medea!!
and, in the words of the wonderful lacey, "boys are poos"
bah bah BAH. oh what EVER. i realize i was a little, or maybe a lot weird in the first week, and in the second week i didn't really say what i meant or mean what i said, but now it's just ridiculous. grrrr...there's nothing more for me to do.
and NHS is stinky and slow. and i have to rsvp to 6 grad. parties.
life is good, nevertheless. just camp. camp. OK, now life is excellent! :-)