Nov 16, 2005 17:47
soo i know it's been about a week and basically i'm going to fill you in
+kalan neal assumed that i told jordan about him asking her to prom
she told me about it, so i guess thats what he gets for assuming things
he made an ass out of the both of because i started talking major
crap about much for a true friend..i am so sick of high school after saying some really horrible things about me and it
blowing up in his face once he found out i didnt tell her...he decides
that everything is ok...and that we can talk like we're best friends again
i told him that i didnt want anyone like him in my life...because i'm so
over high school drama
+stephen and i have started over..and no we're not dating but we're slowly
getting back together...we have some nice, cute moments and he really does
make me's hard though, we're earning each others trust back
and sometimes i want to give up...but then i remember how amazing it was
is and what it's going to be
+i'm going to fall ball with melissa...yay!! i'm wearing what was my cotillion
dress that i bought over the summer..and i am buying the dress i was
originally going to wear to fall ball and wearing that to cotillion..
+i'm still sick..regardless of how much medicine i have taken and it sucks...
please stay away from my sickness
+i visited campbell on friday and i really liked it..but i'm still in love
with app and charlotte but i put in my refundable tuition dep. down at
campbell just to make sure that if i do go there i'll get the dorm i want
+omg i know it's not my business to tell but jordan met a guy and they are
soooo skoooeeessshhhh...and he can he six waffles
+melissa, court, and laura are great my fave NE girls....
+i'm so ready to beat eastern on friday...i actually get to cheer
so yeah..i'm out peace lol...and i promise i'll try to update more