May 01, 2007 00:59
I pick up my meals in Summit most days. So I saw a mini-fire in the stairwell today while on the way down from the 3rd floor, blaze probably started by a random store assistant on a smoking break or something. Info counter lady called the guys in blue who ran by rather speedily. Didn't stay long enough to see what they did about it. Was a walking smokestack till I took my bath -.-
Got fingerprinted. He he, did that sound bad? BAC's installed this nifty little fingerprint ID machine thingy at every floor to take student attendance, among other nefarious purposes they choose not to reveal to us. They're cleaning up quite well. Could do without the con-like atmosphere hanging around that little black box and the nasty snake-line we have to navigate to reach the exits after classes, but whatever floats their boat.
Labour Day tomorrow. Er, today. Want to take it easy... We'll see xD