Nov 12, 2009 15:50
Today I had a mystery bug infestation.
Literally overnight a number of small wiggly things akin to maggots suddenly appeared on 3 separate washing baskets, 1 dirty and 2 containing clean clothes. Thankfully Work Friend came to my rescue and killed/vacuumed them while I got ready for my final assessment.
I cannot for the life of me account for them. They appeared in 3 separate locations with seemingly no other source, there's no old food around, they didn't originate in any of the bins, they don't appear to have come from the vents or the plug holes... I haven't brought anything second hand into the house or anything like that.
Near as I can tell they must have been laid in the carpet or something and then just hatched due to the sudden onset heat. I had a worrying notion that maybe there were eggs hatching in my washing powder but having checked the boxes it too seems fine.
Anyone else ever had a similar situation? Anything that could explain?
Today I am doing a lot of washing and rewashing *sigh*