Stream of consciousness Twitterscape style

Jun 19, 2009 01:02

  • 08:44 My face is peeling, this is not a good start to the day. #
  • 10:39 Day gets worse: missed company bus, no free connection on train, extra $3.50 for ticket, 14 minute wait at connect and then started to rain #
  • 10:40 And then I got weirdo Christian spam on my LJ #
  • 12:59 I am really wishing I hadn't booked back to back meetings for so much of today #
  • 13:35 CoCo Curry House on Goth Gourmande #
  • 15:27 The rest of my day's meetings have been cancelled, hooray. #
  • 16:11 Goddamnit. The headphones I just ordered are available on the corporate rewards program and I had enough points. #
  • 17:31 Why oh why did my program manager choose to come and sit next to me just as I want to do nought but drink cups of tea and read blogs? #
  • 20:44 Really good long conversation with our local Mortgage Choice representative, he was very helpful and amiable, would easily recommend. #
  • 20:54 It's a trap! #
  • 21:49 More things in the world should contain jam. #
  • 22:27 Is watching cross dressing J-trance ganguro "girls" and not quite sure why. #
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