Jan 20, 2005 07:47
the greatest compliment i could give, or ever hope to give:
I can't wait until my children tell me about you.
I have returned to Vassar for my second chance, thanks to the appellate process. I have spent it (two days, as the crow flies) drinking. Yesterday I went to my first class, (ENGL170.51-Imagining the American Wilderness) at nine ay em and there were people around the table but no teacher. We broke ice for forty minutes, then gave up on his ever arriving. It was my only contractual obligation. I'm not used to having SO MUCH day left after classes. It was kinda nice. Maybe, this early to rise thing will be good for me.
I appreciate the clarity of seven o clock once a little before noon, then again around six, and there's the ten o clock shake awake and finally the one to four ay em promise of continuation, after sleeping. I hope I can get my jump without losing focus. Example: class today doesn't start until ten thirty. What am I doing awake? Couldn't tell you. Breeding familiarity, maybe.
Academically, I've had a one eighty of sorts in light of the pressure this semester to shape up or ship out. No science classes this semester. No labs. No Friday classes. In order of occurence:
-ENGL170.51-Imagining the American Wilderness - MW 9-10:30 - This has seemed more and more interesting each time I think about it. I've been reading this book on American literature and this is the right time in my life to be doing so. Also, Dharma Bums is on the curriculum.
-GERM239.51-German Modernism - MR 4:35-5:50 - In addition to being the class with the weirdest schedule, this is also the only one I'm worried about. It's entirely auf deutsch. Die Seminararbeit, die Aussprachen, alles auf deutsch. Ich denke, das ich mich des Prof verstehen. Jetzt, ich muss mich nicht um dem Arbeit kümmern. If, for reasons of lingual familiarity and the noticable lack of it, I can always switch into the English language section of the course. Also, there is only one other person signed up for the German section. Reading list includes Die Dreigroeschenoper and Lieutenant Gustl.
-POLI170.52 - Political Theory - TR 10:30-11:45 - My father had this teacher. The reading list does not include Hobbes. What's not to like?
-PHIL102.51 - History of Western Philosophy II - TR 1:30-2:45 - After Aristotle until Kant. With the best teacher in the department (and possibly the eastern seaboard). I liked going to the bookstore and not having to buy all the books because I owned some of them already.
And now Nicky is up and we're singing Velvet Underground and this is right don't mess up too much.