Jan 17, 2006 21:17
Sure I'm a good person...
In the eyes of many humans, I am a good person...
but the fact is I have lied before... i have borrowed things and not returned them (aka stolen)... i have broken many of the commandments. God sees these things, and as the good judge that he is, he must punish me for these things. Normally, the fact that I have broken these laws set up by my creator, would be heading me on a path towards hell. That's where Jesus comes in. God doesn't want to see all of his most loved creations in a place that he hates. This is why he sent Jesus. Jesus is Godly. He was perfect in his life because he was born through the power of the holy spirit and didn't inherit sin. He had to be sacrificed through a crucifixion (sp?)- imagine it like u were sentenced to the death penalty, and someone else took ur place for you- he did that for everyone who trusts in him and repents of their sin. He did that for me. Through the sacrifice, he took the place of our eternal punishment. Because of this, on judgement day, God will not see me as the sinner I am, but i will be cloaked by the purity of Jesus so that he will see me as holy.
Christians aren't better than anyone else. Christian just have Jesus to vouch for them.
I am thankful to God for his gift, his sacrifice of his only son. Thank you God.