lookin for movement

May 31, 2007 00:40

So, this week has been full of fun.

Yesterday I went to a local outlet center and applied to 5 or 6 stores. I didn't get the job at my church, some stupid boy who had worked there before got it. Supposedly it's because he didn't have to be trained, otherwise I was the next choice - like it's that hard to clean toilets. I've definitely done it before. haha. Oh well.

Now, I'm definitely scrambling to find a job. I'm hoping to get some calls soon...ack. If nothing else, I need money to pay for the gas to get me to my volunteer internship! Nice. I hate gas.

Today, I went to sign the lease for the apartment I'll be living in come August. I was finally able to look at one, and it's pretty nice. The biggest plus is that I get my very own room. Woot woot. I'm pretty excited. My 3 roommates & I are getting together soon to figure out all the fun (HA!) stuff. I just can't believe we're going to have our own apartment. I want to cook a lot. :)

I also talked to a financial aid lady today who said that I should get the extra money from all my scholarships...which means I could use that extra couple thousand dollars to pay for most of my rent for the whole year. I can't even describe how absolutely awesome that would be.

Oh, and my cousin lives near the university, so we visited & had lunch. She introduced us to this lovely restaurant where I ate a delicious chicken salad sandwich, accompanied by pita chips and delicious fruit. And can't forget that special mint sweet tea. Mmm mmm. Delightful.
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