open up a whip-ass canister

Jul 03, 2005 05:01

tweedle dee and tweedle dum

i have to work on the 4th at 11pm. totally puts a dampner on any sort of partying to be done. Oh well. I had to pick up the shift so I could have this coming weekend off to go to a family reunion down in Iowa. To be honest I'm pretty excited about the family reunion and so it's not a huge deal that I'm going to be missing out on my third favorite party day of the year (new years is number one, halloween is number 2). Besides, I've got the day time hours free so I can get out and enjoy the BBQ fest that is the 4th of july. 150,000,000 hot dogs will be consumed on july 4th alone. July is national hot dog month, over 2 billion hot dogs will be consumed nationally. According to a recent survey most adults prefer mustard as the topping of choice while children opted for ketchup. The number one topping children said they would have on their hot dog if mom and dad weren't watching was chocolate syrup. yum. Hot dogs can contain up to 3.5 percent non-meat products, but don't worry, generally this is milk or soy product that is added to increase the nutritional value. Lemonaide and Iced Tea are supposidly the best drinks to go along with hot dogs, but I must object and claim that a cold beer would be best. Maybe they were just talking non-alcoholic beverages. The name "hot dog" is credited to a cartoonist by the name Tad Dorgan. Apparently during a 1901 baseball game at the Polo Grounds in New York vendors began selling hot dachsund sausages in rolls. From the press box Dorgan could hear the vendors yelling, "Get your dachshund sausages while they're red hot!" He sketched a cartoon depicting the scene but wasn't sure how to spell "dachshund" so he called them simply, "hot dogs." And the rest is history. Pretty cool eh? okay, not really, but now you know.

well, enough about hot dogs, it's time for me to spend my time doing something other than getting to low down on one of america's favorite meat treats.

sorry just a couple more hot dog facts:
550 hot dogs are eaten every second in the US
hot dog consumtion is uniform throughout various income levels
Bruce Willis proposed to Demi Moore at a hot dog stand
the worlds longest hot dog was 1,996 ft made in honor of the 1996 olympics (what the deuce!?!)
Hot dogs are served it 94% of US homes.

enjoy some hot dogs on the 4th, maybe even go for the hot dog eating record set by Takeru Kobayashi who ate 53 1/2 hot dogs (and buns) in 12 minutes. Check out ESPN on the 4th to see if Takeru can win the coney island hot dog competition for a 5th straight year.
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