Sep 20, 1997 07:50
attn: hufflepuffs!
come and claim your captain from GRYFFINDOR COMMON as he is unwanted and arrogant, acting all chuffed with himself for having the password. i still don't know why he has to know exactly other than apparently he and harry are friends now, but if you ask me i think he's probably just trying to steal quidditch secrets and THAT CANNOT STAND because no one is giving up quidditch secrets least of all harry james potter who might i remind you mr. potter you do already have several good mates and while we are all pleased as bloody punch that captain tibetan tribal chanting is now your newfound twin you could at least meet him somewhere where the rest of us aren't going to have to worry that we'll have to speak in code to discuss the normal things that we do discuss, namely a certain sport that we must strategize for and gin, actually have you interviewed anyone for the missing positions? i mean, we all miss katie...but we do kind of need that extra chaser put in and no. biddy cannot join because we will all just have a fit if she does.
anyway yes. come and get the dolt. he's faffing about with his HAIR and his...i don't know just get him. i'm tired. where's the toast? breakfast now.