"that's why they invented dueling."

Jul 14, 2008 00:42

Wow. It's been a really long time since I've updated this. The last time I updated this was when I first heard Obama was coming to speak in February before Texas's March Democratic primary. It's been five months since I've pressed the "post to illama" button. I don't really have a good reason for not updating; in fact, I update my IJ all the time, since most people I know have meandered over there with their personal journals. Yet here sits my el-jay, alone and neglected like the latest season of Grey's Anatomy.

I won't bore anyone with the big, long update of just what I've been up to for the past five months, because chances are they you already know it and therefore also know it's not exactly a saga of scandal and excitement.I'll just do a quick, grammatically painful over of the highlights to get it over and done with: became an aunt (His name's Carter, my sister's fostering him with hopes of adoption, he was born 29 February 2008 and placed with us five days later, he was also returned to his bio mom for six very painful weeks but is back with us again, and he likes people to stick their tongue out at him), changed my major to Criminal Justice (Mostly because I don't want to write papers about Shakespeare for another two years, and the reason I became an English major was so I could write fiction crime novels; CJ seems more practical for that, and has the added bonus of providing a fallback pathway if writing doesn't work out that doesn't involve teaching), also switched going to school completely online (so now I don't have to bother with buses, carpooling, or any of that crap, woo), planned to go to PSU online in the fall but postponed it to the Spring Semester, and had my cellphone nearly completely crap out with no hopes of being useful again.

But more importantly, in recent events, amphetamine_47 has gotten me hooked on Sports Night in a bad, bad way. We've gone through the first season in three nights, and there's only one more season to go before Aaron Sorkin's witty sports news sayings are over. Additionally, she also has me watching In Plain Sight, yet I have not seen the sexy Marshall-getting-shot episode because I fail at watching episodes online. In more TV news, Psych is new Friday, which warms my heart in ways you cannot imagine.

One of these days, I am going to write about my strange fetish for seeing men I love getting shot and/or injured in a hot, manly fashion. amphetamine_47, meggiekw, you know what I'm talking about. ;D
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