Feb 13, 2005 12:31
well first of all i would like to thank thea for doing my journall:D so ill start with friday.. it was theas birthdayy:D.. so school was good.. we had a pep-rally it went alrightt.. so then i came home.. just kinda hung out made some phone calls and then asia picked me up around 430 or soo.. and we went to her house. and just hung out and crap.. then megan and moll showed up.. we got ready somemore.. then thea and molly came.. and meg called her mom and she came n got us and we went to the ow dancee.. it was funn.. so then after we had to stand outside and i was so cold becuase being the smart person i am i wore a short sleeve shirtt 8).. so mike being the nice person he is let me wear his sweatshirtt.. so then the paytons get there..n me thea ty moll molly asia n mike all pile into the carr and go to the paytonsss.. so we get there and the herrmans are theree.then spencer and tommy show up.. and we just kinda hung out all nightt.. it was a fun night:D.. me and asia went outside and played some football and looked at the starss.. haha so then my mom came and picked us up at 1030.. we gave megan asia tommy and spencer a ride home.. then i came on here. and talked to ppl for a while.. then went to bed.. and i woke up saturday.. just kinda layed around.. then went to orange crush practice it was alright..then came home.. took a shower.. did my hair and crap.. called theaa.. then went to her housee:) abb laur and molly were already there.. then asia and molly came.. then jenny came.. then jazzy.. we had a fun night... i stayed up till like 4.. and then woke up at like 8 becuase laura had to get up.. then i just kinda dozed off a little then at 930ish we went upstairs ate.. then came back downstairs. jsut hung outt.. and then my mom came and got me.. i went to church.. and then came home.. got ready and went to the mall in bloomingtonn.. i got a new outfitt..then we went and played .. we won by 30 baby 8).. then i came homee.. and now im talking to thea molly mike n rendii!:)