a dusting of snow

Dec 04, 2006 08:18

sometimes i dont notice what i am holding in my hands.
the past weeks has been really nice. good news all around.
i also forget how it can all turn around. one minute i'm walking home and the next i have a bunch of surreal shit that completely changes everything in the course of an hour. i'm at the point of yelling c'mon at the sky. wtf sometimes, really. i can only hold it in and try to get through the next couple of weeks, pull out some of the magic shit i did in the summer.

the 15th week of classes and tap has finally adjusted my financial aid. hopefully it will be all in the bag soon and i can register for my last semester. i still have 480 [plus another late fee] to pay. gonna see if i can write a statement and get some of the late fees removed to help out. i know its going to turn into me not being able to register until the 2nd week of jan. so i know i have to force register my entire schedule. ... fun. i'm gonna get a override for 21/23 credits for spring. theres a few classes i want to take and am plur isnt one of them. i just know its going to be a lot of stress the begin of next semester. it should be a smooth last sem, but me being cursed by someone a long time ago will have probs with getting the classes i need or grr something.

the paper trail: a 8-10pg extra credit paper for 377 [a final on mon 18th]
5page midterm and maybe a final for peoples of asia
5 pg final for sr seminar. 3 pg final for centrie......
then i have to hook a rug thats about 2 1/2 by 3 feet. tis gonna be fun.
the end so near and oh so sweet. i did well on the 10pger for centrie. i could get straight A's this semester but i know i f'ed up in stevens class, so maybe 4/5 is not bad.

thanksgiving break was good. didn't have a tofurkey. but i picked one up yesterday.......droooooool. my mom and i went over my aunts, had so good food and had a dance off with my younger cousins. grood times. had a good weekend and things were looking up.

last week it was up to 68 degrees and now there might be 10+ in of snow tonight. 4 more tomorrow. wind chill. hello december, hello winter. i'm excited about the next coming weeks. stupid finals and papers have kept me from finishing my gloves and scarf in time if wintry weather. but it seems like i have alot of inside time coming to get that done. hmmmm.
so let go team.
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