So I thought it might be fun to post again... old times sake.

Feb 26, 2008 22:32

Hey People, not sure if anyone still checks these things.
I was just looking at some of my old livejournal entries out of boredom and i decided it might be fun for me to retake one of those old long ass quiz's that i used to post on here every so often. First, i am going to post the answers i put 3 years ago, and then the ones that would apply to me today.
yes, i'm this bored waiting for my laundrey to be ready. lol.

First name: amanda
Middle name: rose
Last name: ressler
Nickname(s): dont really have any
Age: almost 16
Birthday: sept 5th
Height: 5'8
Hair color: brown
Eye color: brown
Do you wear thongs: no underwear > thongs
Do you wear glasses or contacts: no
Do you have braces: nope
Is your hair long or short: getting long
Where were you born: pv hospital
Current location: hillsdale
Zodiac sign: virgo
How many languages do you know: english, giberish..
Nationality: italian and austrian
Bad habits: nail biting
Piercing you have: ears
Piercing you want: idk
Tattoos you have: none
Tattoos you want: none
Today's date: august 20th
The time: 3:36

(``** Family **``)
Mothers name: anita
Fathers name: farley
Step parents names if any:
Bothers name: daniel
Sisters name: stephanie
Favorite aunt: patty
Favorite uncle: VV
Favorite grandparent: my moms dad
Worst relative: i dont know?
Best relative: idk
Do u get a long with ur parents: sometimes
Does anyone in ur family understand u: my brother, strangley

(``** Pets **``)
Do you have any pets: yesss
Wat are their names: bailey
Wat kind of animals are they: dog
(``** School **``)
Are you still in school: yeah
Did you drop out: .no
Current gpa: never had the time to figure it out
Favorite grade: 10th
Least favorite grade: 5th-8th
Favorite teacher: Mr. Slowey, Ms. Back

Least favorite teacher: i dont know
Favorite subject: english
Least favorite subject: math
Do/did you buy lunch or bring it: both
Are/was you popular: i guess it depends on who you ask
Favorite memory: favorite school memory? photo class in general
Most humiliating moment: I don’t know

(``** Favorites **``)
Number: 17
Shoes: vans
Tv show: sex in the city
Sport: lacrosse
Vegetable: mushrooms
Fruit: mango
Movie: thats hard.. maybe almost famous
Candy: anything
Gum: tropical fruit trident
Scent: vanilla
Candy bar: i dont know
Ice Cream flavor: chocolate
Color: yellow, green
Season: Summer!
Holiday: any of them
Singer: alanis morset
Group: group?
Band:idk there are alot
Type Of music: it varies
Thing in your room:lava lamp!
Rapper: idk
place to be: lbi/miami
Radio Station: 104.3
Tv Channel: idk
Junk Food: all of them
Overall Food: rice a roni
Store: hollister
Shoe Brand: i dont know
Fast food: taco bell
Restaurant: chinese place by shambys house.. haha, best dumplings!
Shape: circle?
Time of Day: night
Country: uhhh.. idk
State: ny
Boys Name: kyle, ryan, branden/brandon
Girls Name: dani, ryan, jordan.. i love boys names for girls
Mall: garden state
Shampoo: whatever
Board game: clue
Music Video: not sure
Swear word: cockmo
Word: wurd
Month: june, july, august
Cartoon character: doug
Scary movie: not a big fan
Most Prized Possession: ipod/cell phone

(``**This or that **``)
Rock Or Rap: rock
brittney Or christina: neither
Tool Or perfect circle: what?
Selena Or Jennifer Lopez: idk
Hot Or Cold: hott
Winter Or Summer: summer
Spring Or Fall: spring
Outkast or Black eyed peas: black eyed peas

ICP Or Eminem: neither
CSI Or CSI miami: what
MTV Or VH1: vh1
Buffy Or Angel: who?
Dawsons Creek Or Gilmore Girls: gilmore
Football Or Basketball: football
Skiing or Snowboarding: snowboarding i guess
Rollorblading Or skateboarding: either
Black Or White: both
Orange Or Red: red
Yellow Or Green: both
Purple Or Pink: pink
The smiths Or Morrisey: idk
Hottopic Or Pac Sun: pac sun i guess?
Inside Or Outside: outside
Cell Phone Or Pager: cell
Pen Or Pencil: pen
Scooby Or Dino: scooby
Tattoos Or Piercing: piercings i guess

(``**Private life **``)
Do You Have A Boyfriend/ Girlfriend: nope
Do you Have A crush: mmhmm
Do You Love Anyone Rite Now:no
Have You ever Been In Love: yes
How Many Hearts Have You Broken: one, maybe more idk
How Many People Have Broken Your Heart: nothing big
Best Quote To Sum Up Love: distance kills love?
Do You Have A Picture Of your Self: yeah
Do You Go For Looks Or personality: both
So Moving Along, Do you Smoke: no
Do You Smoke Weed: yes
ever Trip On Acid: no
How About Little X: hah
Crack, Heroin, Anything Else: oh yeah, totally
Beer good or Beer Bad: hate it
Are You The Sissy Who Drinks Wine Coolers: yeppp

Do You Like Smirnoff Ice: yes
Prefer Beer Or Liquor: liquor
Are You A virgin: yes
Who Would u Want To lose it to:idk?

(``** Would You Ever **``)
Bungee Jump: possibly
Sky dive: no lol
Swim with Dolphins:yes
Scuba Dive: yes
Go rock Climbing: yes
Eat Shit For $1,000,000: ew
Turn Your Back On Your Friends For personal Gain: no
Steal A Friends Boyfriend OR girlfriend:no, thats lame
Cross- Dress: no
Lie to the police: yes
Run From the Police: yes
Lie To Your Parents: if i must
Walk Up To a Stranger and Kiss them: hah..
Be An exotic Dancer: no
Walk Out Of a Restaurant without Paying: no
Streak: done that

(``** Yes or No **``)
Kicked someones ass: jennas haha
Flashed someone: hmm..
Told the person you liked how you felt: yeah
Gone to jail or Juvi: no
Gotten Really Wasted: not really
Skateboarded: not since like, 6th grade
Stolen Something: yes
Kissed someone of the same sex:yes
Gone on a road trip: I wish
Gone on vacation with out adult supervision: no
Been to A concert: yes
Been to another county: canada
Talked bac to a adult: yeah
Got pulled over: dont drive
Got in a car accident: yeah
Broke a law: yeah
Given Money to a Homeless person: yes
Tried to Kill yourself: no
Cried to Get Out of trouble: of course
Kissed a friends Brother or sister: sammys brother AJ.. but i was pretty drunk and hes like 10 hahaha
Kissed a bother or sisters friend: noo
Dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways: yepp
Are You a Vegetarian: no
Do you like Cows: yep
Are You a Bitch: i think im a generally nice person
Are you artistic: somewhat
Do you Write Poetry: not recently
Are You a Fast runner: I am, actually
Can you Ski: no
Are You British: no
Do you want to be Britney: oh yeah, totally
Do the voices talk to you: haha no?
Did you ever give Barbie hair cut: yeah
Would you eat Mac and cheese wit hotdogs in it:ew?
Do you think Disney creators were on acid when they made " alice and wonderland": not really
Are You straight: yes
Are You stupid: no
Are You fat: no
Are You skinny: yes
Are you short:no
Are You tall: yes
Wear a bright pink shirt: yes
How about orange pants: noo
Can you see the flying monkeys: what?
Are you evil: no
Did you ever know someone who had a mullet:yes
Are you a teenage zombie:

(``** opinion **``)
What do you think about pop music:not a fan
About boy bands: not into them
About Flag Burning: dont think about it
Of the war on terrorist: peace
About suicide: stupid
About people who try to force their opinions on you: whatev
About abortion: no
About rock/metal music: good
Where do you think you will be in 10 years: nyc hopefully
(``** What did you do **``)
Last birthday: hung out w/ some people
Yesterday: was in lbi.. ::sigh::
Christmas: people came here
Thanksgiving: aunts
New years: made out with shamby
Halloween: "core 4"
Easter: nothing
Valentines day: i was sick, i remember

(``** The last **``)
Thing you ate: cookie dough
Thing you drank: crandberry juice
Thing you wore: robe
Place you went: downstairs
Thing you got pierced/tattooed: ears
Person you saw: mom
Person you kissed: =]
Person you had sex with: shamby
Person you talked to: sammy
Song you heard: bad fish

(``** Now **``)
What are you eating: i am chewing on a pen
What are you drinking: nothing
What are you wearing: robe
Any shoes: nope
Hair: wet
Listening to: sublime
Talking to anyone: nill
Are you pissed I made this so long:i am bored anyway
(``** Random Questions **``)
If you could Be any animal, what would it be: bird
If you had to eat one thing for the rest of you life, what would you eat: rice a roni
Do you remember any of your dreams: almost always
Do you dream in black and white: I don’t think so
Do you admit when you need help with a problem: usually
Can people read you like a book: no, i dont think so
Whats your biggest fear: chainsaws
Do you talk a lot: yes
Are you afraid of clowns: haha no…
Do you like spiders: noooo
How about grape kool-aid: haha.. kool-aid.
Can you drive: no
Are you spoiled: yeah i guess
Are you anti social: no
Do you see dumb people: yes

Okay, not that anyone is going to read this, but here goes the "new and improved" version.

First name: amanda
Middle name: rose
Last name: ressler
Nickname(s): salamander
Age: 18
Birthday: sept 5th
Height: 5'9 1/2
Hair color: brown
Eye color: brown
Do you wear thongs: commando amando
Do you wear glasses or contacts: no
Do you have braces: nope
Is your hair long or short: long
Where were you born: pv hospital
Current location: amherst, mass
Zodiac sign: virgo
how many languages do you know: english, giberish..
Nationality: italian and austrian
Bad habits: knuckle cracking
Piercing you have: ears, belly button. had nose, but took it out.
Piercing you want: none again, possibly some more on ears.
Tattoos you have: one, wrist
Tattoos you want: there are like three which i currently want, the next one i get will probably be some time in the next 6 months
Today's date: february 26th.
The time: 10:37

(``** Family **``)
Mothers name: anita
Fathers name: farley
Step parents names if any:
Bothers name: daniel
Sisters name: stephanie
Favorite aunt: patty
Favorite uncle: VV
Favorite grandparent: my moms dad
Worst relative: my dads mother
Best relative: probably my uncle VV
Do u get a long with ur parents: yeah most of the time
Does anyone in ur family understand u: stevie leigh

(``** Pets **``)
Do you have any pets: yup
Wat are their names: bailey
Wat kind of animals are they: dog
(``** School **``)
Are you still in school: college
Did you drop out: .nope
Current gpa: not sure, i think about a 3.2 as of last semester..
Favorite grade: 12th
Least favorite grade: 5th-8th
Favorite teacher: Mr. Slowey, Mrs. Drakakis! Mrs. Khone. McSpirit..Grier..buchannah.. wow i love alot of the teachers at pv.

Least favorite teacher: senor pretty lol
Favorite subject: english
Least favorite subject: math
Do/did you buy lunch or bring it: both
Are/was you popular: i guess so
Favorite memory: miami, camp bisco, blue rill back in the day... teen tours..
Most humiliating moment: running into a mirror at the limited perhaps? that was good.
(``** Favorites **``)
Number: 17
Shoes: burkenstocks
Tv show: sex in the city, family guy, one tree hill
Sport: lacrosse
Vegetable: mushrooms
Fruit: mango
Movie: the life of david gale
Candy: mike and ikes!
Gum: tropical fruit trident
Scent: vanilla
Candy bar: snickers
Ice Cream flavor: chocolate
Color: yellow, green
Season: Summer!
Holiday: halloween
Singer: Uh, Jim Morrison is my favorite front man..?
Group: The Doors
Band:^^? The Disco biscuits, phish, pink floyd.. many more.
Type Of music: jam, classic rock, electronica..
Thing in your room: eyes thingi i made in photo class junior year
Rapper: my friend anthony has trained me to say kanye west.
place to be: lbi/miami
Radio Station: 104.3
Tv Channel: vh1! haha yes.
Junk Food: all of them
Overall Food: rice a roni
Store: SUN DOG!! lol. yes, have to go to LBI to get there.. but its amazing.
Shoe Brand: burkenstock
Fast food: taco bell
Restaurant: chinese place by shambys house.. haha, best dumplings!
Shape: i'm gonna go with octagon.
Time of Day: night
Country: haven't been to enough to decide
State: NY
Boys Name: Hayden
Girls Name: Skylar
Mall: garden state
Shampoo: whatever
Board game: clue
Music Video: Hmm... not sure
Swear word: fuckin
Word: word
Month: june, july, august
Cartoon character: Doug
Scary movie: not a big fan of scary movies.
Most Prized Possession: ipod, memory box
(``**This or that **``)
Rock Or Rap: rock
brittney Or christina: neither
Tool Or perfect circle: i guess tool cause they have good art lol
Selena Or Jennifer Lopez: neither
Hot Or Cold: hott
Winter Or Summer: summer
Spring Or Fall: spring
Outkast or Black eyed peas: black eyed peas

ICP Or Eminem: eminem
CSI Or CSI miami: either one is good
MTV Or VH1: vh1
Buffy Or Angel: never watched that show
Dawsons Creek Or Gilmore Girls: gilmore
Football Or Basketball: football
Skiing or Snowboarding: snowboarding i guess
Rollorblading Or skateboarding: either
Black Or White: both
Orange Or Red: red
Yellow Or Green: both
Purple Or Pink: pink
The smiths Or Morrisey: The Smiths
Hottopic Or Pac Sun: hot topic
Inside Or Outside: outside
Cell Phone Or Pager: cell
Pen Or Pencil: pen
Scooby Or Dino: scooby! :) named my bong after him lol
Tattoos Or Piercing: tattoosss

(``**Private life **``)
Do You Have A Boyfriend/ Girlfriend: not really.
Do you Have A crush: i'm "complicated"
Do You Love Anyone Rite Now: hmmm i suppose so
Have You ever Been In Love: yes
How Many Hearts Have You Broken: one, maybe 2
How Many People Have Broken Your Heart: 1
Best Quote To Sum Up Love: distance kills love?
Do You Have A Picture Of your Self: yeah
Do You Go For Looks Or personality: both
So Moving Along, Do you Smoke: not usually
Do You Smoke Weed: yes
ever Trip On Acid: indeed
How About Little X: yes lol
Crack, Heroin, Anything Else: neither of those, but yeah, other things.
Beer good or Beer Bad: hate it
Are You The Sissy Who Drinks Wine Coolers: yeppp and flavored smirnoff. i'm an alcohol wuss.

Do You Like Smirnoff Ice: yes
Prefer Beer Or Liquor: liquor
Are You A virgin: nope
Who Would u Want To lose it to: lol

(``** Would You Ever **``)
Bungee Jump: possibly
Sky dive: possibly
Swim with Dolphins:yes
Scuba Dive: yes
Go rock Climbing: yes
Eat Shit For $1,000,000: ew
Turn Your Back On Your Friends For personal Gain: no
Steal A Friends Boyfriend OR girlfriend: no
Cross- Dress: yeah! lol
Lie to the police: yes
Run From the Po lice: yes
Lie To Your Parents: hahah yes indeed
Walk Up To a Stranger and Kiss them: haven't, don't really think i would. i leave that area to shamby ;) lol
Be An exotic Dancer: no
Walk Out Of a Restaurant without Paying: no
Streak: done that

(``** Yes or No **``)
Kicked someones ass: jennas haha
Flashed someone: nope
Told the person you liked how you felt: yeah
Gone to jail or Juvi: no
Gotten Really Wasted: yessir
Skateboarded: not since like, 6th grade
Stolen Something: yes
Kissed someone of the same sex:yes
Gone on a road trip: mini road trips
Gone on vacation with out adult supervision: yep lol
Been to A concert: many many
Been to another county: canada
Talked bac to a adult: yeah
Got pulled over: nope
Got in a car accident: yeah but i wasnt driving. twice, actually.
Broke a law: yeah
Given Money to a Homeless person: yes
Tried to Kill yourself: no
Cried to Get Out of trouble: of course
Kissed a friends Brother or sister: sammys brother AJ.. but i was pretty drunk and hes like 10 hahaha
Kissed a bother or sisters friend: noo
Dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways: yepp
Are You a Vegetarian: no
Do you like Cows: yep
Are You a Bitch: i think im a generally nice person
Are you artistic: kinda
Do you Write Poetry: i used to be better at it, but yes
Are You a Fast runner: I am, actually
Can you Ski: no
Are You British: no
Do you want to be Britney: oh yeah, totally
Do the voices talk to you: haha no?
Did you ever give Barbie hair cut: yeah
Would you eat Mac and cheese wit hotdogs in it:ew?
Do you think Disney creators were on acid when they made " alice and wonderland": maybe not on acid, but definitly influenced by it.
Are You straight: yes
Are You stupid: i would like to think not
Are You fat: i woudlnt say so
Are You skinny: fairly
Are you short:not at all
Are You tall: yes
Wear a bright pink shirt: no actually
How about orange pants: noo
Can you see the flying monkeys: i could potentially
Are you evil: no
Did you ever know someone who had a mullet:yes
Are you a teenage zombie:

(``** opinion **``)
What do you think about pop music:not a fan
About boy bands: not into them
About Flag Burning: dont think about it
Of the war on terrorism: peace
About suicide: stupid
About people who try to force their opinions on you: HMMM... maybe i should ask ZLR about this one???
About abortion: choice, but i would rather not. obviously, lol.
About rock/metal music: good
Where do you think you will be in 10 years: nyc hopefully
(``** What did you do **``)
Last birthday: it was my first week of college
Yesterday: classes... normal day
Christmas: people came over my house, as usual
Thanksgiving: aunts as usual
New years: party at kyles. should have been at infected mushroom. damn.
Halloween: disco biscuits! one of the best nights ever
Easter: nothing
Valentines day: had a shitty valentines day this year

(``** The last **``)
Thing you ate: DC food
Thing you drank: crandberry juice
Thing you wore: brown lucky sweatshirt/jeans
Place you went: hallway
Thing you got pierced/tattooed: wrist
Person you saw: zlr
Person you kissed: zlr
Person you had sex with: wouldn't you like to know
Person you talked to: zlr
Song you heard: was listening to pink floyd earlier, not sure which song was the last i heard

(``** Now **``)
What are you eating: nothing
What are you drinking: nothing
What are you wearing: what i listed above
Any shoes: nope
Hair: ponytail
Listening to: silence..
Talking to anyone: nope
Are you pissed I made this so long:i am bored anyway
(``** Random Questions **``)
If you could Be any animal, what would it be: panther ;)
If you had to eat one thing for the rest of you life, what would you eat: rice a roni
Do you remember any of your dreams: almost always
Do you dream in black and white: I don’t think so
Do you admit when you need help with a problem: usually
Can people read you like a book: apparently so
Whats your biggest fear: chainsaws
Do you talk a lot: yes
Are you afraid of clowns: haha no…
Do you like spiders: noooo
How about grape kool-aid: haha.. kool-aid.
Can you drive: yes
Are you spoiled: yeah i guess
Are you anti social: no
Do you see dumb people: yes
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