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Feb 19, 2007 13:26

If I said this wasn’t one of the best weekends ever-- I would be a liar.

Thursday and Friday and Saturday night I went to see the biscuits at starland.. My first three-night run and it was unbelievable.

I went and came back both ways on thurs, and went to school the next day.. The show didn’t end till 130 so i was home at like, 3, so pretty fucking tired in school the next day. But it didn’t matter; it was so worth it because Thursday nights show was just insane. so many rare bust outs and songs they hadn’t played since 03-04. Austin was real happy about it, and so was I. I also got to chill with some really awesome people, and some old school PV kids from way back. Really awesome people, always fun to make new friends :)but yeah, that next day in school was just a blur because I was so pumped for the next night. Friday night started off horribly, actually, shamby and I got extremely lost on the way there by ourselves because like an idiot I map quested directions to the Hilton in NEW Brunswick, and not EAST Brunswick... yeah that really blew. got to this Hilton, which doesn’t even really exist yet because its only 1/2 built, but it IS on map quest. We got to the correct hotel at like, 8, so basically no time for drinking before hand, we got dressed, chugged 2 mikes each, threw down a couple shots... all in less then 5 minutes and then we were on our way. Went through about 6 red bulls in the car on the way to the venue, to ensure that we would stay up.. And it definitely worked. I dunno if it was the stress we went through or the fact that we drank too fast... but doesn’t matter because we were feeling real good and we had an amazing time. at set break we even met Allen, the drummer of the band, and I spoke to him for a minute or two. [it made me happy. :)] the show was unbelievably sick.. Jenna even caught a bunch of songs that she knew, which she was happy about.. Like '42', and 'munchkin invasion'. After we went back to the hotel, partied for a little while, jenna didn’t feel great so we went to sleep around 3ish.. Woke up the next day and went to the nearby fudruckers! Best idea ever. Smoked way too much and was completely faced by 12.. Could barely stand, but somehow made it around all day. slept also, which I never do during the day.. But it was much needed before my third show in a row. That night was, again, unbelievable, the set list was insane, and we had a good time dancing and hanging out behind the sound board.. Did some fun things and felt awesome the whole time. Really, this weekend was everything I had hoped it would be! Met some crazy fucking people, re-met a bunch of people who I kind of knew.. Basically our whole little "bisco family" was there the whole time, which was amazing, and it definitely expanded. I just love those guys, but the only time I ever see them is when we all get together at shows because we all live pretty far...
Whole weekend was awesome, and I am very very grateful to have these two days of rest and relaxation…
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