Jan 08, 2008 13:02
Listen Up True Believers !
Joe Quesada (marvel e.i.c) was on stern today, and every geek fan boy got a healthy dose of spidey mythos. He updated me about the new arc, & since i dont have atomic, samurai, or my other comic shop on central at my disposal, any news is great. It seems Mephisto is fucking shit up & I cant wait to see the art work, Joe did all the art on the last story arc & i love when he comes out from behind the desk to draw...
great. now i have to scour the city to find me some quality funny books.
why does all the good shit come out during a recession? & of course, we're trying to change our ways & save money. =(
on a side note the toasters are coming here in a couple of weeks, yay!
Is there anything happening on your side of the tracks?
one more thing;
most annoying starwars character
jar jar or ewoks?
sorry about the forced participation, i just miss you guys....