Mar 31, 2004 21:23
Pam, you are way cooler than I am. Its like crazy. I havent seen you in like 6 million years and I think Im going to cry because of it. Im so happy to hear bout your good news, it made me happy! yay for Pammy! I need to tell you bout the girls on the hockey team.......weird.
pikachuISidol: one day im gonna make a toy for squirls
yay for Mike! You dont make me madddddddddd, without a stutter! hahaha
Things have been strange the past couple days, I dont like it. It gives me this feeling that I hate, but I dont know what it is. And I have been thinking bout like really strange things, like time travel and just how things work. Its so weird when you just think bout everything. Today we watched this video bout the galaxies and things like that. It was crazy because at one point I was really into it when they started talking bout black holes and time travel. It was strange.
Pam and I just got done talking bout it. It freaks me out.