hell yes, and internet quiz that doesn't suck
You are perfect and absolute, the sunflare haiku to
which all guitarists aspire. The elegant
simplicity of a haiku. The pure, uncloudy
translation from thought to form. Strike a G,
and feel and feel a sandstorm rise around you.
Move to a minor chord, and let the wind caress
you, tousling your unkempt hair. You are
playing your guitar, or you are playing the
world-- the distinction is no longer important.
And if you are full of fear at the moment, do
not worry: when you learn to laugh again, the
world will laugh with you.
which clip from a Guns 'N Roses video are you? brought to you by
Quizilla -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
meghan is outside talking to the fat girls. the girl in the apt across from us is fat and the girl above here is fat and they're having a fatty congress. they've been out there for over a half-hour. god knows what they're talking about. how do people talk so much? one of those girls wants to let clyde have sex with her cat so they can have fury grey kittens. i don' t think its a good idea, but i'd like to see cats hump, since i've never seen that.
i'm not going to write about the d-hoof show, because 1) nobody cares, and 2) i can't write about stuff like that the next day; i have to do it the same night.
we got the camry tonight and took the stickers off of it (it had a camp kill yourself and a papa roach sticker and some other dumb stickers). I'm going to put the guided by voices sticker that came with their new cd on the car. meghan doesn't want me to, but eff her.
meghan and i went to thrift stores today so she could look for stuff to wear to andi's eighties dance party. she got an old coat from the forties or fifties for like 7 bucks. its really nice. can't wear it to the dance party but oh well. i think the only dance party thing she got was a pair of pink hoop earings. i got a tiny casio keyboard that meghan says is exactly like the one that tawnt had when they were kids. its cool. it has a few good beats and one good tone (fantasy). i like it cos its tiny and cute. i think i'll re-record "there are only two chords in the world and i know them both" with it tonight, but i might wait until i get the octave pedal i bought from ebay. that would be sweet. ok time to go. byeeeeee.