A really long trip...

Jul 27, 2010 13:44

The IlkeFam went on a really long trip. We drove from Portland to Minneapolis to Milwaukee and Chicago and back again. Just about three weeks away. Luca is 9 months old today. He's more and more like a little kid than a baby and its just crazy! Still uber smiley and happy. But dudes...

I met my beta alpha, eevilalice ! The first time I've met anyone from my online life! lol. Way cool. We had an adventurous day in which I was a total spaz (really, I SWEAR I'm not always like that! Usually. Sort of.) And OMG I ate the best freakin' sandwich at real Jewish deli! They even had Matzo Brei (fried matzo usually served like a pancake). Too bad we weren't there for breakfast. Next time. I also managed to get our (rather expensive) diaper bag forgotten, stuck in the door, and dragged 1/2 mile. Then when I realized it was missing, I reversed over it. *sigh* Did I mention the spaz part? I had vowed to not talk about LJ, but no deal. I gossiped like a pro. It was fun. Needless to say, I think eevilalice  rocks! *mwah! kisses!*

Here's a pic of Luca at the beach that we didn't stay at (and where I left the diaper bag).

And a couple more because its been a while. These are all on the same day.

We stopped at a lot of rest stops. And while a lot of the towns sucked, there were some great rest stops. This one was grassy and shady and Luca decided to go exploring before I could get a new diaper on him.

Hanging with papa at a truck stop somewhere in Wisconsin.

Love you guys!

roadtrip2010, the lentil, eevilalice

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