An update in small bite-sized chunks...

Aug 05, 2009 10:22

The evidence: $12,000!
The amount that I recently invoiced for. Proof that I've been working my ass off. I'm now on the next wave of tons of work. Good for saving up for maternity leave and, oh, silly me, don't let me forget, WE'RE FINALLY BUYING A CAR!!! In just a couples weeks at that! WOOOOOO!!!!

5am this morning: working on the comps that were due at 10am this morning. FAIL.
But I have acheived a lot of trust with these people and showed them where I was at. They loved it and gave me lots of kudos. Thank goodness it was only an interal review and not with the client.

66 years old: my dad bought his first house.
Okay, technically, he owned half of a duplex when I was a teenager, but it's really not the same. I'm happy for him. Huge backyard with cherry, apple and plum trees. Can't wait to let our little boy run wild in that yard. That said, my dad is being a bit of an idiot getting stuff ready. I heard him tell his handyman, "Well, if you think it needs it, go ahaed and do what ever you think is best." GOOD GOD, DAD! Way to get taken! I did my best to warn him several times and it just makes him angry. Fuck it. He's an adult. He can learn from him own mistakes. I need to keep my mouth shut because I've been feeling like Mega-Cyanical-Bitch whenever he's around lately.

The House Re-Org: two thirds of the way there.
Recap: We have a two bedroom house with a 400 sq ft finished attic. Previously the bedroom was in the attic and we each had an office in the bedrooms. The plan is to move both bedrooms downstairs and our offices into the attic. BUT FIRST, the floor of the attic had to be painted (and Mr. Ilke was a dream and painted the walls too). Current status: Attic all painted and mostly aired out while we where camping. We've moved at least half the office stuff. The house is still in a bit of chaos, but the new office looks fucking fantastic.

Camping: Great if you like camping in a parking lot.
Seriously need to get recommendations on more "rural" spots. In this case, with me being preggers in 104-6 degree heat, it was actually probably for the best. Flush toilets and ice cold showers anytime you want them did me well. Being unplugged was pretty great. If I'd actually KNOWN the temperature last Tuesday (105!), I'd never have gone on the 5 mile hike 500 feet down and UP to see the waterfalls. As it happens, I'm a seriously tough mama.

Belly: huge.
A woman told me yesterday she would have guessed I was due in a month (vs. the four I actually have left)

Total weight gain: 5.5 lbs.
I do not understand it, but I'm not complaining. A (male) friend of Mr. Ilke's keeps telling me how great I look and how pregnancy really suits me. If he keeps up, I will have to bake him cookies.

The Lentil: has taken up various marshal arts.
Mr. Ilke has now felt the little guy moving inside me and I think yesterday it was visible to the eye (as in, wow, my belly just MOVED!)

Al Green: the lentil's favorite boogie down music.
Takes after his papa who has mad rhythm and loves old R&B. The lentil's opinion of Simon & Garfunkel? "No comment."

Heat: sucks a fat one.
Portland has hit record highs. 106 degrees anyone? I don't know the science of why it sucks so much more for pregnant women, but holy shit. I almost had a nervous breakdown trying to sleep (and breathe) in 85 degrees at 3am. It was like standing next to a forest fire. The heat wave started a few days before we went camping (when Mr. Ilke was doing massive manual labor in the attic!!!) and just ended yesterday.

My Next Door Neighbor: had her baby girl about two weeks ago.
We ran into the husband Monday and he told us the good news. As soon as he rode off, I had a severe emotional tidal wave. I must have bawled for an hour for absolutely no particular reason. Oh yeah, I was hot and had just walked about 4 miles. I get a little panicky when I hit my heat limit.

The bones: they be splitting.
Not so good news. I've been having a super lot of pain after sitting down for any length of time and then getting up. I described it to my yoga teacher hoping to get some moves to help. Nope. She said, there's nothing you can do, or should do. The midwife confirmed this on Monday. The pelvis, you see, is actually two bones held together by a ligament (like a line running down under the mons pubis). It stretches to accomodate a baby's head. Unfortunately, it can actually tear and seperate. I'm not there just yet, but what I'm feeling is the stretching and possibly little tiny tears. I used to have a foot problem like this: plantar fasciaitis. It sucked. If it starts to actually tear, I'll have to wear a super hero belt to keep it all together. *heres to hoping it never gets there, or worse, bed rest*

Comedy Sex: ur doin it rite.
(TMI warning) Look folks, the body is a-changing and the belly is very very in the way when you want to get busy. The lubrications also change quite a bit (or go on hiatus) and KY actually sucks. Yup. Mr. Ilke and I had our first SexFail! We laughed our asses off and went out to eat instead.

Four months to go....

the lentil, house, vacation, life, work

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