Surprises abound...

Jul 06, 2009 22:24

First big surprise for me today was the dramione_awards ! I figured since I've been so afk lately that my stories would be forgotten and sitting on the curb with Harry and his trunk ala PoA. But then whoa! It turns out that I got TWO bright and shinies:

Claiming Hermione won Best WIP and Between Forgetting and Remembering won Best Romance!!

I am truly honored. Thank you!! And congrats to all the other winners. I think this time I've read almost all the stories and I'm honored and humbled to be among such fantastic and talented writers and artists. You go ladies! Congrats mmmels  on your win for Fairy Lights!

My other surprise...

I'm 20 weeks along today. That's exactly halfway through. Today was "THE" ultrasound.

Survey says....

It's a BOY!

I've always (since I was a kid) thought I would have boys (two, to be exact). If my next is a boy too, I'm going to think I'm psychic or some shit. lol. I will say that I really wasn't sure if it was going to be a boy or girl. I had no real sense of it. Lots of girl dreams, but the idea that I always thought I'd have boys. Now that I know, its taking me longer than expected to process it. The ultrasound also revealed that he looks good and healthy (and that there is ONLY ONE DAMNIT!). I'm mostly relieved that he's still looking healthy. Other than that I feel a little exhausted emotionally.

My baby fantasies are beginning to switch from frilly diaper covers and painted toenails to back packing (which I love) and swimming. Mr. Ilke is looking up baby names. Or rather, researching the ones we've already picked out. I think we're pretty set on Luca for a first name.

I really need to sleep now. Talk to you all soon!

claiming hermione, between forgetting and remembering, the chickpea

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