Dude. I'm a badass.

Jun 14, 2009 20:07

Mr. Ilke just frantically waved me onto the porch to see an old man walking down the street WITH MY SNAPDRAGONS in his hand! And not just the tops, he took the roots and all. Nu-uh! That ain't right. Luckily I still walk faster than an old dude, and caught up with him about a block and half away (in front of his house apparently), pointed at the flowers in his hand was like, "That's not okay." He tried showing me that the roots were dry as if that means that I don't deserve them. I don't think so. You can bet your ass I took them back and replanted him. Okay, Mr. Ilke replanted them. I watched and glared at his house over my shoulder periodically. You should have seen the look of pride on Mr. Ilke's face as I walked back to the house with the flowers in my hand. Heh heh heh. No one ever said I was afraid of confrontation. And to be fair, I was very diplomatic and non-threatening. But I don't let injustice slide. There is right, and there is wrong, and I know where the dividing line lies.

The other thing is that those snapdragons are the only thing I've ever planted myself in our yard in the entire two years we've owned this house.

Other whatnottery: I had a dream that Soft lived in the apartment next to mine (which I was oddly living in with my dad who was passed out most of the time. Someone else from my LJ lived in the apartment across the street, too, but I can't remember who it was. I've been having the most bizzare dreams lately - like the one where a friend of Daniel's insisted on changing a lightbulb in our upstairs bathroom despite the facts that I was perfectly capable of doing it, he clearly didn't WANT to do it, and I was HALF NAKED!

Other other whatnottery (chickpea style): My belly has had a massive growth spurt. I keep catching glances of myself in windows and being shocked. And I have three new little stretch marks, one of which is quite deep looking. And I can't stop fucking burping. Meh. Energy is good. Nausea is pretty much gone. And I'm supposed to be working right now (since I played couch potato on Friday when I should have been working). :)


house, badassness, chickpea

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