A tornado of work, pics, and a real tornado too

Jun 04, 2009 18:05


Total weirdness here. A tornado in Oregon? And really not all that far from Portland. So, we just had a lovely thunderstorm and there are trees down and shit like that. But not at my house. Mr. Ilke sat on our porch (after the crazy dirt-wind passed) and watched the rain and lightning. Lovely.


Totally not related, my swatch of oilcloth for the table on my porch came today. See?

We have a cool, round retro-style metal folding table and we like to sit there and eat breakfast. I will paint the table a pale buttery yellow to go with the top. Or rather, Mr. Ilke will paint it, since that's FORBIDDEN! lol. I get to do the staple gunning of the cloth onto the top. Cool with me.  We have friends coming into town weekend after next and I'm looking forward to using the purty table in the yard with the roses and jasmine all in bloom. :) I will make crepes.

When it Rains it Pours?

I have SO MUCH WORK. (Not of the kind that I can sub-contract out. Sorry, peeps.) But seriously, if I get offered any more I will have to turn it down and I've never had to do that before. The breakdown without naming my (clients):

(Hospital) Billboards, Brochure/Welcome Package, Direct Mail Piece, Dr. Bios, Ads, and more Billboards, plus art directing the photoshoots. Not to mention the Annual Report that usually takes 5-6 months starting up in early July.

(Wine) Website Resdesign. Am I excited about this? You fuckin' betcha! Wine brands are awesome to work on!

(Insurance Company) 9 Flash Banners for Disneyworld Sweepstakes. If something has to give, this might be it. My email/text/phonecall is still unanswered. Hope they aren't planning on seeing comps tomorrow. O.o

(Design Firm) Internal Email Template, Web Banner, and Flyer. All due by Wednesday and the project hasn't even kicked off yet. Love those super fast turnarounds!

(Green Products Consumer Rating Website). I designed the first phase of this site and it came out AWESOME! Now we are moving on to the second and third phase! Woot! Also doing print management for the business papers I designed for them.

(Internship Program) In addition to all the meetings I have as we ramp up to the July 10 start date, I also have to design the welcome book for the interns.

(Farm) Strategy Planning meetings, brochure (which I will finish tonight come hell or high water!)

(Friend) Logo (which I will send her tomorrow or slit my wrists!)

So...... did I mention that ALL of this (except the annual report) has deadlines ranging from tomorrow to July? Welcome to June, Ilke! Bet you're glad you are feeling a little better. Now if only someone would come finish up my taxes for me. And I need an assistant to sort through my emails and figure out the breakdown of my last web project (Insurance Co.) so I can invoice for the $3000 they owe me.

Dramione Awards!

Soooo many of my favorite authors were nominated for Dramione Awards this round. I know it's not news anymore, but dudes... I am so proud of you and proud to know you. And hopefully I will start writing again and have writery things to talk to you about. I've been re-reading CH from the beginning and am on Ch.23 now. We'll see where I am when all this work lets up. Now, for self-pimpage. Maybe pimpage isn't the right word, but here's what my stories are up for:

Best Romance: Between Forgetting and Remembering
Best WIP: Claiming Hermione


Speaking of CH. I've always had a hard time explaining the position of Draco's hand on Hermione's face when he kisses her the first time. It's been MONTHS and I still obsess about this. :) For some reason this is VERY important to me. Yesterday I came across this (on the right):

And of course, you've seen this:

And there's the sceen in the field of poppies from A Room With A View but I can't find a pic of the exact moment. Now, make both of them even more intense and more tilt on Hermione's head as she is so much shorter than my Draco. (Did I mention obsessed?)

And since I am pic spamming you, here is a belly pic. It was 3 weeks ago and in addition to making my boobs humungous, apparently being pregnant also makes me highly unphotogenic cause every pic I've taken since has been AWFUL. Ah well, this is what you get. I'm about the same size now (I think). I'll get the ultrasound pics up as soon as I...do stuff of an organizational nature. Don't hold your breath. Chances are I'll get around to it next month when we get the second set and we find out the GENDER!!!! July 6th is the big day!!

The nausea is going away! *back flips if I could actually do them* But burping! Holy shit! I've never been much of a burper, but DAMN! Indigestion here I come. Lovely. I've now lost 7 lbs. Did I tell you that before? Eating is a pain in the ass. Just regular eating is a pain in the ass. Though I think a strawberry milkshake is my near future.

Alright, here's the ilkebelly pic. 12 or 13 weeks at the time. (I'll be at 16 on Monday.)

It's hard to compare cause the other is darker, but here's a pre-pregnancy pic that you've seen before. Weird that I could have lost weight and look so much bigger (to me anyway).

Yeah, okay, that's not very helpful, but I can't be bothered to upload any more pics. There's a pint of strawberries calling my name.

Love you guys!!

dramione_awards, the chickpea, work

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