Holy Cow!

Apr 22, 2009 14:06

Holy Cow! I won an award! Or rather, Claiming Hermione won an award: Runner Up for Best Het Fic at forbiddenawards! Woooooo!

Thank you to everyone who voted and who believes in this story! I WILL get back to it! And mmmels  won Runner Up for Best Fanart for her gorgeous drawing of the corridor scene, White Light. And wildcatcdc  got Judge's Choice for Out of Control! Congrats luvs! Both well deserved. I'm not sure who else won (I stole this info from
mareen_manuela! lol! I wouldn't even have known if she hadn't posted it! Thanks babe!)

Holy Cow Long Meme...

1. First thing you wash in the shower bath?
Erm... I stand under that water forEVER before I begin.

2. What color is your favorite hoodie?
Pumpkin Orange

3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
fuck yeah! But not right now, I have a goddamn cold sore!

4. Do you plan outfits?
Never. To my detriment.

5. How are you feeling RIGHT now?
limbo-y and procrastinationtastic because I have a salon appt in an hour and I need to go get the laundry.

6. What's the closest thing to you that's red?
my shirt

7. Tell me about the last dream you remember having?
To avoid getting too graphic lets just say that it was a pregnancy anxiety dream that turned out okay in the end.

8. Did you meet anybody new today?
I haven't left the house yet, but I am going to a new person at the salon and to a new yoga class. Much new people meeting in my future.

9. What are you craving right now?
peanut butter and jelly on white bread
BLT with avocado on white bread
tacos (with avocado)
pear juice - with gritty pear stuf in it
grapes with peanut butter
(how about I just stop there...)

10. Do you floss?
about 1/2 the time

11. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
add that to the list. sauteed cabbage. polish sausages. german potato salad....

12. Are you emotional?
not typically. I tend to be more rational, but today I cried three times because I was "touched" by something I saw or read.

13. Have you ever counted to 1,000?
YES! I practically lived in a swimming pool growing up in southern california. one day I went to the bottom and bounced back up 1000 times. No one to play with that day.

14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
I don't know, but I like my ice cream hard, not soft or worse, soupy!

15. Do you like your hair?
very much. to prove it, i make sure I leave it all over the house. Little ilke hairballs everywhere you go. Just kidding. Well, I don't do it intentionally anyway.

16. Do you like yourself?
Pretty much. Been procrastinating too much lately, but for the most part, I feel like I have a lot to be proud of. Of course, I could do better in other areas too.

17. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?
That wouldn't be fair to him or me. Besides, I think our emotions around food are important and I wouldn't want mine tainted.

18. What are you listening to right now?
Oregon Public Brocratsting (an African safari type show)

19. Are your parents strict?
Not at all. No curfew, no grounding, no spanking. However, no one EVER called each other names. My mom called me a bitch once when I was 15 and I was DEVASTATED.

20. Would you go sky diving?
Hell YEAH!

21. Do you like cottage cheese?
This probably isn't a good time to discuss my food likes and dislikes. I did recently down a carton of the stuff with fresh pineapple though.

22. Have you ever met a celebrity?
Dude, I AM a celebrity. lol. Just kidding. I don't remember if I have or not. No one here probably knows who Barabra Mandrel is.

23. Do you rent movies often?
Netflicks - we have the "largest" subscription.

24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in?
closest I can find is some foil stamping on some paper samples.

25. How many countries have you visited?
At least five, but only two extensively. Nepal and India.

26. Have you made a prank phone call?
yes, but I suck at it.

27. Ever been on a train?
Many times. I also took a three week train trip around the east coast when I was looking at colleges when I was 19. Started in Chicago and went to Swarthmore in Pennsylvania, Princeton in New Jersey, Columbia in NY (my school of choice at the time), Yale in Connecticut (most beautiful part of the train ride), and Harvard in Massachusetts (one of the worst days of my life).

28. Brown or white eggs?
Brown, but I don't discriminate as a rule. (heh heh, bad joke)

29.Do you have a cell-phone?

30. Do you use chap stick?
Only lately.

31. Do you own a gun?
I am terrified of guns, but sadly, we do have one.

32. Can you use chop sticks?

33. Who are you going to be with tonight?
a bunch of preggers ladies in a prenatal yoga class.

34. Are you too forgiving?
Not likely,

35. Ever been in love?
Yes. *dreamy sigh*

36. What is your best friend doing tomorrow?
I have no idea. Maybe counseling some people.

37. Ever have cream puffs?
Yum. Add to list. No wait. Don't. I can't deal with the sugar.

38. Last time you cried?
About an hour ago.

39. What was the last question you asked?

40. Favorite time of the year?
Summer. Reminds me of being a kid in California. Swimming, playing, camping, fruit. Fruit!!! Add to list.

41. Do you have any tattoos?

42. Are you sarcastic?
No and I'm not always aware when people are being sarcastic, or if they are really sharp, I'm likely to get my feelings hurt. I'm just not accustumed to sarcasm.

43. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?

44. Ever walked into a wall?
lol. yes. going around corners is the worst for me. I catch my shoulders a lot.

45. Favorite color?

46. Have you ever slapped someone?
Maybe. I dont remember.

47. Is your hair curly?
Mostly straight with a tad of a wave.

48. What was the last CD you bought?
Sweetheart (Starbucks mix)

49. Do looks matter?
Yes. And I'm not talking about "pretty" or "ugly", but the way you present yourself. (I can expound on this for a long time, but I will spare you my soap boxing for now)

50. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
Not likely.

51. Is your phone bill sky high?
Sigh. Yes.

52. Do you like your life right now?
Pretty much. Wish more of my friends lived nearby. And that I had a car!!!

53. Do you sleep with the TV on?
Eeek. No. There is only one tv in our house.

54. Can you handle the truth?
Yes, and I despise being pandered to. I usually know when something is not my best, or that I've behaved badly.

55. Do you have good vision?
Pretty good. But I do wear glasses when my eyes get fatigued.

56. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people?
Yes. But I don't spend any energy on them.

57. How often do you talk on the phone?
Too often. Mostly for client conference calls.

58. The last person you held hands with?
Mr. Ilke last night and we made each other teary eyed. Then we duked it out in Battleship! I won!

59. What are you wearing?
ratty stiped pj pants (we call them clown pajamas) and a ratty shirt. (recall the laundry part from earlier.

60.What is your favorite animal?
Parrots, Dogs, Humans, Horses, Big Cats.... how can I answer this??

61. Where was your default picture taken at?
It's a portrait of me by a friend. Mr. Ilke commissioned it for my last bday. And you've seen my picture, so the resemblence is... not immediately obvious. But I love it.

62. Can you hula hoop?
Hell yeah! Have you seen these hips?

63. Do you have a job?
heh heh heh heh. This question makes me want to laugh hysterically for some reason.

64. What was the most recent thing you bought?
cranberry juice? groceries? chard?

65. Have you ever crawled through a window?
Have I ever! Alternate method of entry when sneaking in or out. Though, really, the front door worked well too.

Good LORD that was long. Time to go to my appt.

claiming hermione, awards, meme

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