Mr. Ilke toys and paintings picspam

Mar 17, 2009 20:14

Mr. Ilke uploaded pics of some of is customized toys and paintings today. He also made me a little dish of peanut butter and chocolate, for which I am eternally grateful. * g *

PAINTING & TOYS super huge pic spam warning

A couple paintings from the latest show, currently up at The Fine Grind. These images don't do the detail justice.

The Scavengers (01 & 02)

this one is really small and I really love the misty quality

The Key Keeper

And the toys...

Some Star Wars Dunnys (these are 3 inches tall - teeny tiny!)

Han Solo & Chewy

Bounty Hunter & Carbonite Han Solo

Cyber Dunnys

Wedding Cake Toppers commissioned by toy collectors

(this one is more abstract - guy is a musician and the woman a fashion designer)

Comic Book Characters


Lady Death

Miscellaneous 3 inch Dunnys

Dawg, portrait of an old friend of ours

PDX Bear, commission of a Portland bear

Giraffe & Labbit (early work)

The BIG Dunnys (these are 8 inches tall)

Great Northern Giraffe (my all time favorite)

Day of the Dead Dunny (the sculpt on this one is pretty amazing)

lol. well. that was a lot wasn't it? 
Dude, DUDE, inadaze22  recced my story, Between Forgetting and Remembering, at crack_broom! I'm all a tizzy over it! Thank you dazzy! That totally made my day!

I know I have more things to tell you, but I can't remember. :(

toys, painting, mr. ilke, art

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