Mr. Ilke and the Mr. Meme

Feb 14, 2009 23:48

Mr. Ilke just performed surgery on my pinky toe, where an unbelievably long sliver of wood has been living for over a week.

The V-Day run down.
Woke up earlier than usual and lazed about in bed. *smirk*
Went to the salon, found someone NOT to get waxed by again. But, found an AWESOME stylist. I'm in love. He's hot, he's gay, he's European. He gave me an awesome cut and a hug. I might even let him color my hair next time.
Mr. Ilke got me an orchid plant and The Wind Up Bird by Murakami - an author I've been wanted to check out. :) And we walked around a little.
Worked for an hour.
We decided to ditch our v-day plans, hopped in the (rental) car and drove to Hood River - adorable little town on the Columbia River.
Got trapped in a huge grocery store, but did not forget the ice cream.
Played Rumikube. Won once, lost once. Ate ice cream.
The rest remains to be seen.... *smirk again*

Okay, the meme

What are your middle names?
De La Porte and Damocles (sounds like a law firm)    /dela port/ & /dam O kleez/

How long have you been together?
8 years. Married 2.5 years.

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
The one week it took me to break up with the guy I was dating at the time.

Who asked who out?

How old are each of you?
both 33, but I'm 6 months older. He says that he "gave me a head start"

Whose siblings do/ did you see the most?
We're pretty much both only children, though, technically we both have siblings we hardly know.

Do you have any children together?
working on it.

Used to have an Amazon Parrot. Mr. Ilke is desperate for a xolo (show-low: Mexican Hairless Dog).

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
not having a car

Did you go to the same school?
Yes! Enrolled together. Graduated together. Both recieved Best in Show for our portfolios (in our respective disciplines). We rocked that school!

Are you from the same home town?
He's from Minneapolis and I'm from So Cal

Who is the smartest?
Intellectually, me. Emotionally, him. It's a beautiful balance.

Who is the most sensitive?
er..... neither. We're both pretty self-aware, or whatever makes someone not too sensitive.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
we love to cook, but I'd say the taco place down the street (love their fish tacos!!)

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
3 week road trip. Minnesota thru the Dakotas, Montana to Seattle, down the entire Pacific Coast thru the redwoods, SF, San Diego, then back up through AZ, Colorado. Wait. do that in reverse. lol.

Who has the craziest exes?
That's debatable. I think his are crazier, but I had more ... unusual situations. *smirk*

Who has the worst temper?
Neither. Though I'm more stubborn.

Who does the cooking?
We like to be in the kitchen together.

Who is more social?
He's a little better in casual-friend situations, but I'm better in professional-networking situations.

Who is the neat-freak?
Neither. We're artists. No such thing. But he cleans waaaay more than I do.

Who is the more stubborn?
Mr. Ilke is incredibly flexible. Me, not as much.

Who hogs the bed?
Ha! We tangle our legs all night, so we're sort of a lump in the middle.

Who wakes up earlier?
Mr. Ilke. He is insane. His productive time is at like 6am. He actually works before he has to go to work. I can sleep til noon.

Where was your first date?
We ran around all over downtown Minneapolis. He was wearing a green plain newsboy type hat.

Who has the bigger family?
Hard to say. We're closer to mine though.

How do you spend the holidays?
Our house for all of them. We love to cook. We love to entertain. We need a bigger kitchen.

Who is more jealous?
He is. I never thought I'd like something like that, but I do. It's sorta wonderful when he gets possessive.

How long did it take to get serious?
It was pretty instantaneous. Just had to ditch the aforementioned guy I was dating. Mr. Ilke was very honorable in that way.

Who eats more?
Him. But to be fair, he's 6 feet tall.

Who does/ did the laundry?
He does. Love this man. Even knows not to dry sweaters and bras.

Who’s better with the computer?

Who drives when you are together?
Mr. Ilke has NEVER had a license! How bizarre is that? In So Cal, you spend your 16th birthday at the DMV.

Well, that was fun. Time for bed....

mr. ilke, meme

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