Okay, I'm distracted. Thus, posting again.
pokeystar sent me a great Claiming Hermione inspiration song, and a long time ago I was sent another song by Soft I think that rocked. Unfortunately, i lost that one.
So, here is my plan for Claiming Hermione beyond the writing. When the story is finished I plan to put together a sort of CH package. I don't know why I feel the need to do this. I think I just feel like it will sort of bring a kind of closure that I will need and want. Plus, it will be like creating something to give back to all the people who have loved up so much on it.
This "package" will contain:
A Story (CH, obviously)
A Gallery (including mmmels fantastic art, and maybe some of the imagery that I've collected as inspiration)
A Trailer (breenieweenie's incredible trailer)
A Playlist (and that luvs, is where I need your help..)
Cause if it were left entirely to me, there would be nothing but AniDiFranco, Feist and The Raveonettes. So, if you are so inclined and inspired, I would love to hear what music you think of as you read it. I'm going to start a master list of CH songs from which to create the final playlist. I know it would be really long to have a 50+ playlist, but I kind of want to do a chapter by chapter play list. Is that retarded? Like three or four songs per chapter? idk. Is this even worth it? Am I going about this the right way? Sorry, I am fixating.
Alright, if you do have suggestions, lay em on me.
To start the list off:
Citizen Cope featuring Carlos Santana
suggested by:
pokeystar Thoughts: Sexy and sultry - the lyrics are very appropriate, esp. from Draco’s pov.
Chapter/Scene Association: Ch. 19 - The first kiss
These feelings won't go away
They've been knockin' me sideways
They've been knockin' me out lately
Whenever you come around me
These feelings won't go away
Honey I Never Had YouThe Raveonettes
suggested by
eevilalice Thoughts:
Chapter/Scene Association: Ch. 24 - Hermione leaving after their "first time." Gritty and sensual.
Honey, it never could suffice
So sad to see it in your eyes
Honey, I never had you
Honey, I never had
Honey, I never had you
Honey, I never had
Never had
Honey, you vanished every time
I ask if you were truly mine
Song Title:
Link (youtube?):
Chapter/Scene Association
Lyric snippet:
fyi: I intend to credit the people who make suggestions.
OMG OMG! I just realized that I should create a mini-website for all this. Oooh.... my desingeriness is excited.....