That takes the cake

Nov 12, 2008 22:57

Today, well, actually tomorrow (the 13th) is Mr. Ilke's 33rd birthday. As a perfect example of what being insanely busy will do to your brain, we scheduled his birthday party a day early by accident. We had two cakes, and a lot of cancellations due to much illness going around. It turned out to be a lovely number of people and some that I haven't seen in a long time. There was much laughter.

The best part (aside from Mr. Ilke discovering his "big" present) was that one of our friends announced that Mr. Ilke and I were the "Singular Example of Heterosexual Happiness". lol. And then everyone agreed and that made me feel all gushy. It was great. And you know what? I AM happy. :)

So, you want to know what I got him?

These t-shirts (I'm the wife, I can buy him clothes):

some jeans from Gap, and... (drum roll please) I had the big open - to - the - earth hole in our basement floor cemented so his painting and toy studio can be doube the size. I did it behind his back, I wrote a little message in the cement and he is ECSTATIC!

Life is good.

cake, rl, mr. ilke

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