The Live Journal Stuff Post (as opposed to The Real Life Stuff Post, which will come later, maybe)

Nov 08, 2008 11:45

Happy Saturday!

Not sure where to beign:

Voice Posts
Last night's "madcappery" to quote the trendsetter, eevilalice, was fun. So great to hear eevilalice , softobsidian74 , and dari_67  reading to me. lol! I promised soft that if she would do one, I would do a snippet of Claiming Hermione. It was fun. I feel like an attention whore now. But it was fun. And eevilalice recorded ALL of the dirty talking chapter of CH! The one where they get drunk and well... you know. I will figure out how to post those when I come back from breakfast! *is SO excited!!!* Oh, and I'm waiting impatiently and excitedely for dynonugget  and wildflower4evr  to put up thier vp's too! *taps foot and smirks*

Holy fuck I made it! And so did inadaze22 ! *high-fives inadaze* And the prompt for next week...whoa! Second person POV is strange. I'm going to have to figure out how to wrap my head around it! And thank God we have a couple extra days cause I'm still in the marathon design weeks. Oy!

Smutastic Awards
How fucking honored do I feel? Claiming Hermione is nominated smutastic_award  for Best Kiss, Best First Time, Best D/s, Best Sexual Tension, AND Best Almost But No Cigar. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am seriously overwhelmed by the nominations and I still can't believe the response this story is getting. Voting is from now until the 29th of November. When you are bored at Thanksgiving, sneak off and vote for HP smut. lol. Or vote before that. :) There is so much great writing to read there. Go. Now. Do. :)

Okay, I need to go eat breakfast, but I'll see you lovelies later! And keep an eye out for CH Dirty Talk!

dramione_ldws, eevilalice, dynonugget, wildflower4evr, claiming hermione, voice post, inadaze22, smutastic awards

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