
Oct 26, 2008 12:09

Hello lovelies!

Mr. Ilke and I have decided to throw responsibility out the window today and be utter loafs. Instead of cleaning the house like we planned, we are camped out on out couches wtih The Bourne Identity and our laptops. He playing Zelda and I am going to attempt to get caught up in on reviews over at GE.

Speaking of reviews, mareen_manuela , who has been translating Claiming Hermione into German and posting on a few sites, has been (awesomely) also translating the reviews it's getting. It makes me all giddy! They are still in the early chapters, so it's kind of like experiencing it all over again.

(Mr. Ilke just yelled out "I'm here to fight the big monsterrrrrrr!!!!) *giggles* He doesn't play videogames often, so it's pretty cute. And I like that he is taking some time to play.

Congratulations to bookishwench  for winning the last challenge of drabbling at dramione_ldws! I absolutely LOVED her Burning Love. lol. How do write a thank you note for arson. *heee heee heee* Excellent and very well deserved! And inadaze22 and I are still in the game. I've got no idea what to do with this next challenge, but hopefull I'll come up with something. Eep.

Going to go read dynonugget 's Silver Dagger (and hopefully her awesomeness will rub off on me a little).

Mr. Ilke has just informed me that he beat he bad guy and got a new heart container and a new pendant. *rolls eyes affectionately* Good, lord, Matt Damon is washing her hair!  Oh GOD THEY'RE KISSING!!!!!!

K, that is enough, for now. I know there was something else I wanted to tell you all, but I can't remember! :(

translation, drabble, dramione_ldws, mareen_manuela, dynonugget, claiming hermione, inadaze22, bookishwench

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