lattes love me

Oct 21, 2008 18:16

I have learned something about myself today. When I want to avoid working on my design projects, I tend to expound my design knowledge or philosophies, or both, on who ever will listen. What the F is that about? Huh?

Updates since my last post:

Drabbling: I finished my 100 word drabble a whole twenty five hours before I normally do. Woo! Can't wait to see how everyone handled the challenge. Did I mention 100 words? That's not much. For instance this post is already 92 words right here.

The Tooth: The last vicodin I took was on Sunday morning. Pretty happy about that. I asked Mr. Ilke to please make them all go away. but hang on to them until after the wisdom tooth is pulled in week or two. No sense in buying them twice and somehow I have THREE bottles. Again, WTF? When the phenomenon that is my mouth (yes, I really just said that :P) is over, they can go away permanently. So, as I mentioned before, I have thirteen years under my belt. I was surpised at how readily the "thoughts" came back, though I shouldn't have been. Such is the nature of addiction. I did good though. I am proud of me. :) <---that's my big grin

Claiming Hermione: nothing to report. For that, I am NOT proud. I think I will work on it tonight.

A Master's Degree: I want to go for my Masters (in Design) because I want to teach (and because I REALLY love design). I only want to teach part-time and at the uni level. I simply doesn't pay enough. My motivation is to give back to the design community. And I love to teach. The only program I could find in Portland is at the snootiest "art school" I've ever encountered. *rolls eyes* And it's $30,000! ACK! Clearly, I am not ready to seriously contemplate this course of action just yet.

The fic exchange: I shared my ficexchange story with my best friend. It was hard to admit to my fandom, but I was too proud of the story to not share. Oh, I shared with my dad too. Best friend has her degree in Creative Writing. She liked it. She told me she owns a Gryffindor scarf. (Though I think it was from a halloween costume.) She was like, "who cares what website it was for!" I love that woman! The whole thing reminded me of one of my favorite quotes:

You miss 100% off the shots you don't take.

That there quote has done some amazing things for me.

Speaking of the fic exchange, I am SOOOOO behind in my reading. Any suggestions? I'd like to get caught up again with a great story or two.

Other random shit because I am highly caffinated: Mr. Ilke wants iPhones. I want a car. :) Not going to move on that one until I find out more about the job. Hopefully will know more in the next couple of weeks. I do know that the official announcement has been made. That's exciting. For me. I guess.

This art made me gape at my screen. NOT WORK SAFE AT ALL! Harry/Draco, rimming.

Um... I think I am done now. :)

real life, drabble, dramione_ldws, writing

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