Mood List

Jul 23, 2008 23:14

I am enraptured with the mood list and the little icons. Okay, the icons are a little disappointing. But, when I scroll through the list and try to play the matching game with how I'm feeling, I get lost in it.

The words are so.... intriguing, or magnetic, or something, that I feel like I want to change my mood just to match. If I wrote haiku, I would write one to go with each word. No, not haiku, too much work, just short poems - snippets - one liners. yeah, that would be cool. One liners.



It was over and she said goodbye.

Not to him,
or the cat,
not to the house.

Goodbye to the sell.
Goodbye to the pretend life.

She walked down the long walk
with the last box balanced on her hip

and stepped out onto the sidewalk.

She was free.


Dude, what the fuck? Clearly, I'm avoiding my story. AGG. Okay, okay...I'll get back to it...

poetry, mood list

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