(no subject)

Sep 12, 2008 16:45

Last call to go vote over at dramione_ldws ! Lots of really great drabblings over there. The prompt this week was "Back to School" and the characters had to be adults. hmmm....


Speaking of drabbling...

ianthe_waiting , brilliant authoress that she is, has been flexing her drabble muscle too, by writing drabbles for the 100 Drabble Prompts with various Potterverse pairings (I really liked Water - a (surprise) Neville/Hermione peice.) We got to talking drabble-length and she busted out with this HHHOOOOOTTTT drabble in answer to my challenge to make it 499 words or less. soooo good....

Holding Your Breath - 417 words of Dramione Hotness

*goes to get something cold to drink*

Very excellent writings ianthe!!

drabble, dramione_ldws, ianthe_waiting, vote

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