Another million years later...
So, I have this little boy and he has a LOT of energy. Ah, you think, all little boys have a lot of energy. But no. I've noticed that a lot of our friends with kids end up going home a lot earlier than we do. At the playground, they stay for an hour and we're there for four. At the swimming pool, they leave after an hour and a half, and we're there for three. At a picnic, lake, beach, museum etc, they leave after a few hours and we're there all day until nearly sundown. Where other kids get cranky or bored, my kid can go and go and go (and, frankly, he is MUCH more pleasant that way).
The ilkee fam had a hang out, unscripted weekend this last weekend. No plans, just relax and hang out. And you know what? We suck at. We all get grouchy and in each others' faces and irritated. But give us an outing and we rock. So, I think I've come to the conclusion that I need to plan the shit out of our year. Just... OWN the title of ADVENTURERS.
My hesitation - and why I am using my LJ to talk it out - is that its a well known idea that today's families over-schedule their kids, and I'm afraid of doing that. I mean, kid's got to get some time some where to process, right? Though, damned if I know how or where he does that. I hardly know how or where *I* process things.
Anyhow, my fantasy is that we take up an outdoor sport or two, for our weekends: kayaking? bike riding? bouldering? hang gliding? (Just kidding, sort of.) We're all happiest when we're active and adventuring (as opposed to running laps, which is active, but not adventuresome). (Note, that Mr. Ilkee and I are both out of shape, but why let that stop us?) And, if we can do it near water, all the better.
And then, we sign up for various classes for our weekdays. Seriously, we're going to pick him up from school earlier, just to accommodate this change.
Current list:
Swim lessons
Parkour (as soon as he's old enough)
Dance (like hiphop)
Martial Arts
Other rowing/boating sports
Biking (in town and trail riding)
Fun Runs
What else? Do you have any ideas to help this family (and especially its little boy) get their ya-ya's out? (Or, arguments against doing that?)
I recently caught this little guy scaling the refigerator spider man style, but here he is making his dolls hold hands so they wont be lonely while he is at camp.