And you thought you were rid of me for good...

Oct 02, 2013 13:38

Alas, no. Just noticed my paid acct was about to expire, and ever the optimist, I renewed it. So, I thought I'd say hi. I have no idea at all what is happening in my beloved Harry Potter fandom. I'm still pathetically and hopelessly addicted to HP podfic, which is still lacking in Dramione, and still finite in its entirety, causing me to reach out to... Merlin. Oh, Merlin! (Ha! I make joke! Nevermind.) So yeah, I've tiptoed around the edges of a little Arthur/Merlin - strictly in the podfic world, and have found a couple surprisingly good AU Modern Day ones. The characters translate surprisingly well. I need Merlin podfic recs. Lots of them.

Luca - is turning four this month. Its amazing to watch his personality and character emerge. He's lovely as always. Completely obsessed with construction machines. I dont think he even likes to build that much, mostly likes the various mechanisms of how things move. "Look, there are the hydraulics on the boom arm." And he talks! Oh my GOOD LORD how this kid talks! andtalksandtalksandtalks! Its exhausting.

Mr. Ilke - I do love that man.

Work - Our business is swinging. I've firmly moved into the role of Art Director and that's been good. Still always more work than I can handle. A happy problem

Other things - We did bunches of outdoor work this summer and I've become a bit obsessed with gardening. Its actually really nice to have an interest unrelated to design and children and craft.

Writing - Shamefully, no. Is it terrible that in my mind I still REFUSE to say that I've abandoned it? I have this fantasy that one day I really will be able to get back into it.

And that's all for now. Who is still out there? What are you all up to?
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