I need a wardrobe expert

Nov 20, 2011 21:32

Or at least someone with a normal relationship with clothing.

This may seem weird, but I honestly don't know the answer... You see, I need new clothes. Like, all of them. All! I currently have one pair of pants (jeans). It never really surpasses sweatshirt weather here, and in fact it's sweatshirt weather most of the year. I don't wear tank tops and rarely skirts. I'm a jeans and sweaters kinda girl. I work at home in pjs but i do have a fair number of casual meetings, not to mention wanting to look cool in front of the other moms at daycare (just being honest). So, I want a new wardrobe, but I don't know how much to buy and how to not end up with 5 pairs of jeans and 15 shirts that are identical (because i am a creature of habit). So, my question, if you are brave enough (and bored enough), is what is in your closet?

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