
Oct 18, 2011 13:13

I got a review from a Young Person. I am, by no means, and Old Person. I'm 36. I'm firmly in that middle age era house, young kid, career going upwards, coming to terms with the fact that I might not ever lose that 60 40 pounds. etc. And this Young Person was telling me all about how they'd stayed up all night reading my story despite the fact they have tests and an essay and a project due the next day, and I was like, "Wow. I just did that, too."

She also went on to tell me how she had just read that I'd had a baby and that she was no where near that age (hahaha!) but she understood why I hadn't posted in two years a while. So, it got me thinking about age and how when I was younger I may have admired people in their thirties and forties but, beyond trying to impress them, I never thought I was just like them in any way.

I fully expect this next statement to be squashed as I find that the older I get, the less I know (and that I have some much smarter, more studied friends), but it's my impression that generally speaking, music seems to divide us (how many times did your parents wonder what that crap you were listening to was?), TV shows have historically divided us (do teen girls really swoon over House's Hugh Laurie? Possibly. I don't know. But I wouldn't have when I was 14. Scruffy beards. Gross!)

But what about fanfiction?

agism, fanfiction

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